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🌈 675 – Thu 28 Apr 23:07 2022


Warm, bright and beautiful day today in Riyadh.. Rained most of the afternoon, when bother and I was out.

I slept last night and woke up around 3:15 AM.. brother was already sitting on his laptop finishing work on the month ends accounts he said, I walked up to the loo and I saw Sis in law-making the Sehr, and mother was also already up getting ready for us all to sit down and eat. I finished what I needed to do and while walking back to bed, I said, I won’t do Sehr today, I’m going back to bed and my brother said, so you’re not fasting then? I said yes, but I’m too full from last night, we had huge Iftar (breaking the fast) then we went to Margrib and then we back and we ate again and then we went out and on our way back home at midnight we ate Icecream and I was so full.

Dad’s alarm was set to go off at 3:45 AM for Fajr and I know I have to go get up and turn his alarm off and probably wake him up for Fajr Namaz.. The rest of the family was eating and doing the Sehr and then we all got ready and left home for Fajr.. The view after the Fajr namaz is amazing all men mostly in beards, standing outside or leaving together going their way before they go and sleep after a long night., Brother, Dad and I walked back home and both brother and I slept and Dad went to Read the Quran in another room loudly.

Woke up back around 11:30 am, had a quick shower and it was already time for Zuhr.. Dad was ready and he said he’ll put the hot water on for me and he left for the Mosque, and I got ready and followed him we offered Zuhr Namaz and it was really really hot outside, quite warm and I could not open my eyes when I was walking back home, It felt like it’s going to rain anyway and the sky looked foggy probably the Sand Strome from couple days is still on.

I worked the rest of the afternoon and created up to 6 pages on the website, later afternoon after brother woke up we got ready and left home, around 3:45 pm. The sky was bright but cloudy and a bit windy as if it was waiting to rain, we left home while it was spitting. Riyadh is a beautiful beautiful city, very serene, quiet, safe, and friendly.. I did get a feeling that people need a reason to smile.. unlike in the UK when you see someone new or when you bump into someone you’re usually smiling and they smile back if not it’s considered rude.. always people looking at one another and smiling.. sometimes it’s annoying but I kinda got used to it living there many years. Here I smiled a couple of times at the people I faced and I got a blank blunt.. not a bad one though but it’s the culture.

We left home, first, we went to a butcher shop got some meet back home and dropped back home and we left again. By now it started to pouring down, then we drove a long way and first went to do the Asar namaz a stunning stunning stunning mosque, it was closer to the bothers work, went inside, lifted our hands up to offer namaz and started the namaz, bother said, break the Namaz, I said, what’s that for? he said, we didn’t look at the time, it’s Asar time and the Imam Sahab just got in and the Jamath was starting, and instead joined the Jamath.. (pray in a big line). We stood right behind the Imam Sahab, offered Asar, the Imam Sahab seemed to be a great man, brother said, he’s a great guy.. we finished the Namaz and then there was a reading of the book Hadees for the next 10 minutes, it was in Arabic, brother and I didn’t understand a bit, we sat there mesmerized by the beauty of the Arabs listening to Imam reading the book for them and I secretly managed to get my mobile out and took a pic of the Imam, brother looked at me and nodded.. We soon got up, shook the glorious Imam’s hand and walked back to our car and then towards brothers work, as I walked inside, I saw the huge Saudi flat in the corridor, it was bright beautiful and green.. I wish I had taken a pic of it, but i didn’t it was not flowing, just lying on the stick the beautiful flag, we walked up stairs and brother introducted me to a bunch of his colleagues, and walked up to his desk and met a few more colleagues and I took some pix brother sitting at his desk and soon we left, the rain had kinda subsided by now., but it was still wet and slippery, we got the car back, and drove further to see a couple more mosques around the city.

Brother once in the past had couple times mentioned about a Buzrug, another but high spirited man of a mosque he once said, he would go to that Mosque, and this Buzrug gentleman would come out of a door before the Namaz and brother said he flet a few times as if Mohammed is walking outside that door.. and indeed it felt like that gentleman is sacred. It was in between Asar and Magrib and not a lot of Imam’s would hang around their seats at that time, but this gentleman was in his high chair, doing Zikr sitting and observing everyone and everything, we sat there and brothers white Thawb, the white long robe Arab men wears was unfortunately stained so he said to me go alone and meet the man on the chair and come back, I said, he’s not gonna look at the stain, lets go together, when we turn around, he’d definately going to see the huge wet stain that he recently acquired when he left work was there we were kinda both embarraed and it would probably embarrass the cleargy man too and neither of us want to make him feel uncomfortable, by the time we were debating ourself if we should ignore the stain and go and meet the man, someother Arab man walked up to the Iman, shook his hand, kissed the oldman on his head and sat in front of him to talk, he looked as if he was a man with answers and people would sit in front of him with to get their questions answered..

We left the mosque, it was still raining but not at that time, we drove a few miles to go to a dates shop, we bought these beautiful dates with Almonds inside instead of the seeds and then we picked up brother laundry for the Eid.. and then we drove back a few more miles where brothers mate was passing us some spices to take to Umrah where another friend is going to pick up those cooking items for the Eid and we had to make another stop near to pick up fresh water cans and then, a few more food items and we got home.. it was almost the time for the Iftar and family was waiting.. We quicky did our Wazoo and sat down to break the Fast, brother did a huge great Dua, prayer before breaking the fast mother cried during and Dad and Sis in law almost in tears and I there witnessing all this.. we then broke our fast first ate the Almods we bought without dates, and ate fruits salad, and then ate a peeche fruits, and then a few figs and then a big bottle of Laban the drink made of pure cow milk and a glass of water and we got ready and left for the Magrib namaz,.. brother stayed at home to offer it with mother and his wife and Dad and I left to the mosque, offered Magrib, walked back home and the dinner was already waiting.. ate huge meal, first Pulihogra, the yellow rice made of spices.. and ate goat well cooked curry with rice and there was spinach and a bunch of Achars Mango, Amla followed by eating a bunch sweets and then a huge tea made of pure milk, we all were so full and full and the Mouzan from the mosque already calling teh Azan for the Ishan namaz, we all got ready including the females of the house and left to offer the Tarawi namaz..

That finished exactly at 9 pm, and on our way back home, mother invited some lady guests from the mosque who were our neighbours, they came they sat for few minutes and they left after a drink and then we all sat down chilling, mother passed the phone to talk to a couple of our cousins and I had to chat.. such a such a such a long day… I was gonna go to bed as we were planning to go travel to Mekkah tomorrow..

3 things I felt grateful for today.

  • So grateful for being able to drive around in Riyadh.
  • Grateful for the rain, it’s rain but it’s nectar for dry Arab land.
  • So grateful for completing a lot of tasks during the day.

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 100 x times stronger, happier, richer, healthier, especially brother.. and have a relaxing relaxing relaxing yet productive day tomorrow and all negative patterns in between for the easy transition.. please get deleted across mind time space and dimensions.

Got out with brother again now.. to pick up new pair of glasses… it’s just became

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