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Friday 12 April 2019

Woke up 06:15, I had booked a call with Google’s Implementations Support team to help me create a Remarketing list on my Google Ads. The Rep phoned me on dot at 7. Was very helpful, she also thought me a few new things with tracking.

Tracking is – I have my website. Which is this one.. and, why do I have a website? Because I have a product.. so if you have a product, products could be anything, watches, handbags, special luxury items, Diamonds or a Trip to Moon.. Or Services and services could be, Dog Grooming or an expensive Queen’s Cruise 3 month travel pack where you make 30% of Β£15,000 each person you bring etc..

Or let me put it clearly, So If you have a Product or a Service then you can build a Website Online..

Take my website as an example.. I have a product, which is an educational product. The outcome of this will be you will have your own online business by the time you are done with it.. My website also provides service which is Support to its members..

So I have a product and service so I have built my website.. and now for people to find me in those millions and millions of websites, I either need to build my SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) so strong Or create a Search Ad Campaign on Google.. which is a Text Ad..

SEO optimization is when people go to google and type any keyword, example, β€œHow to work from home”.. my website is relevant to this keyword but there would millions and millions of website which might have used this keyword in their websites. So If I need to make my website to come up on the search result when someone searches the keyword β€œHow to work from home” on google, I should either have this Keyword placed on my website many times.. for SEO, we can do this by writing a blog on our website, in fact, many blogs on our blog page of our website using this same keyword or referring it many times on the page.. then there is a chance of our website coming up on google search depending on our Click Through Rate quality score.. (CTR is how much percent of people view the Ad and feels trust and clicks on it)


You can advertise on Google Ads by Create a Text Ad as asearch campaign using the keywords that are directly relevant to your business.

and when people type those keywords in google, your Ad will come in the search results and when they click on that ad they will land on your website and the page you land is called as a Landing page.

If there a form on your website you want them to fill or make a purchase.. that will be termed as β€œa conversion” for each signup.

So I have a form on each page of my website, check here, on the bottom of the each page, it’s called as β€œ Call To Action Box”, I ask people to put their first name and email address and when they put their details, they will be guided to my Thank You Page..

So today, what help I got from the Google Rep was, I requested if they could help me create a goal on my website that will help me understand on which page of my website people were spending time and what page they were converting.. I am tryina figure this out bkz this will help me make decisions to use the page as a Landing page, the people most spending the time on.. bkz content is appealing to them..

I hope I made some sense.. πŸ˜‰

Google Reps, call ended at 8:10, I went back to bed listening to Dan Lok’s meditation, and slept until 9:40… Woke up, the Sun was out, I open the curtains and my tree next to my window the flowers are just opening..I can’t wait for them all to open.. I took a pic and sent one to mum and one to Ms Sandra.. I knew Mum’s gonna phone me back straight away and she did.. I spoke to her for few minutes. Then got ready and got to gym at around 11:40, the first half I did, Arms workout then at 1pm, I joined the Body Pump class..

Got home, at 01:40, shower, Friday prayer. .and went to meet a mate at Tooting Broadway, we ate some India, I got home, at 17:50 I think, went straight to bed for about 45 minutes with the alarm on.. Bkz, I have a group swim this evening.. When I woke up, I was like, should I go or not.. I went and had a great great swim.. we didn’t compete today but learned 3 techniques of how to rescue someone drowning, got home happy and grateful for having a great day completing all these things today..

3 x things that I am grateful for today

– I am grateful for being healthy, active and energytic..
– I am grateful to God for giving me all the body parts.
– And I am grateful for having my TV..

3 x Happy moments of my day

– I laughed so many times at the swim when I had to a drowning victim almost all the times..
– I was so happy we laughed many times when I saw my mate this afternoon
– I feel so happy now, I don’t have to do anything tomorrow..

3 x things I need to do next that will take me a step closer to my goal.

– Ash, complete writing the script
– Ash, complete Christi’s training
– Ash, create new video campaign.

1 x Act of Kindness today

– I asked if heating was sufficient in our flat to my flatmate Ben..

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