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🌈71 – Grateful For..

Sunday 31st March 2019 I woke up checked my phone, I had a message from my mate Jason reminding me to txt Ms. Sandra.. It’s Mothers Day… I felt grateful that he reminded me.. I scrolled through my photos to find something nice.. I have been taking the pics...

🌈72/73 – I am Only Human After all..

Monday 01 and Tuesday 02 April 2019 I partied yesterday.. and I didn’t manage to get to my blog.. I missed one day in my 73 days, I am only human after all.. Don’t put ya blame on me πŸ˜‰ I wish you too a party night soon.. you can observe, you learn and then...

🌈 74 – Habits

Wednesday 03 April 2019 Woke up 05:30 AM. On Average, it takes 66 days to create a habit. So If you are someone who’s planning to create a habit of either waking up early or going to the gym consistently or whatever habit it is, aim for 66 days.. then It will...

🌈 75 – Super Natural

Thursday 04 April 2019 Woke up 7 AM, had gone to bed last night at 01:30… from this book, I have been listening to by Jason McDonald, β€œSocial Media Marketing” .. I had so many lightbulbs and I am implementing them straight away.. so It’s ok… I know all these late...

🌈 76 – Free Online Education

Friday 05 April 2019 Woke up.. 7:30.. again last night almost 2am. Many many months of focus and 3-day distraction and all my plan is shaken. I aim to bring all my times back to their original times.. my blog time at 9 and in bed at 11:30.. up at 4.. I took off next...

🌈 77 – Bigger and Wider

Saturday 06 April 2019 Woke up 7:30, decided to go back to bed,.. then woke up again at 8:40.. sat up and wrote my affirmations.. Looking back now, wonder why I didn’t write my affirmations when I first woke up at 7:30, that was the best time in between the sleep....