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🌈 65 – Fulfilment

Monday 25 March 2019 Woke up 06:40, sat up wrote my affirmations.. got ready and went for a jog. I took a huge circle across Vauxhall. It was funny to see there were those clubs still open and people were standing outside.. Got home, got ready for work and got to...

🌈 66 – Anything Fast

Tuesday 26 March 2019 Alarm when off at 5, but did not feel like waking up… I had got ready to go to the gym this morning but the bed felt the right thing.. I try and wake up a little early usually and put my headphone on with my chosen meditation and go back to...

🌈 67 – Plz No Paper

Wednesday 27 March 2019 Woke up sharp at 6 without the alarm on.I was happy to have woken up early .. I had an hour to get and get ready for work.. I sat up, wrote my affirmations. pulled the curtains.. beautiful bright day. I sat down to meditate.. I meditated for...

🌈 68 – Victorious

Thursday 28 March 2019 By the time I went to bed, it became 12:30 last night, and I didn’t even finish my meditation, I did half of it in the bed and then went to bed.. no matter how late it is, I never miss my meditations.. Wonder why I did it two days in a...

🌈 69 – Early Bird

Friday 29 March 2019 Woke up 5AM on the first alarm on, grateful for the day, went to the loo. . wanted to go back to bed, bkz that what I had planned last night to sleep until 7 am.. I have a group swim class on Friday evenings so I can sleep a little longer in the...


Saturday 30 March 2019 – I am Healthy, I am Huge, I am Masculine.. I am Ripped and I am Muscled.. I Weigh 90 Kgs, I have 3% Bodyfat, I am the Most Confident and Most Handsome guy on the Planet with Beautiful Thick Dark Hair and Perfect Perfect Symmetry and I...