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🌈 59 – 4 Hour Work Week

Tuesday 19 March 2019 Woke up at 06:40 AM, got off the bed saying, why am I sleeping, the alarm went off so long ago.. and I wanted to go for a jog before work.. I sat up and wrote my affirmations.. stood up and opened the curtains and it was raining outside and it...

🌈 60 – Meditation..

Wednesday 20 March 2019 Woke up 6:10..Sat up, wrote my affirmations… Decided to go back to bed by visualizing on goals.. I have read in many books, visualizing on your goals, as soon as you wake up and just before you go to bed is a really effective process.Β ...

🌈 61 – Body Pump

Thursday 21 March 2019, Woke up 06:00 sharp. I had planned to attend a body pump class at the gym so I quickly got ready as soon as I woke up and got to the gym just on time for the class.. It’s body pump class, It pumps up your body and brings into shape.. I...

🌈 62 – The Oprah

Friday 22 March 2019 Wokeup, 6:30 AM, sat up wrote my affirmations, went back to bed with the meditation on for another half an hour.. Got up at 7:05, made my breakfast, had a shower, prayed Fajr got to work at 7 past 8 AM.. I wore a black jumper and blue jeans.. the...

🌈 63 – Sun Dried Meat

Saturday 23 March 2019 Woke up around 6:30 without the alarm on. I felt so great that It’s Saturday and I don’t have to get up. I sat up wrote my affirmations.. put the headphones on Dan Lok’s meditation and went back to bed.. Did not wake up until...

🌈 64 – The Oval

Sunday 24 March 2019.. O My God.. March is also going.. Woke up, felt grateful for feeling great.. sat up wrote the affirmations… the bright Sun outside, I felt so great this morning.. Sent a whatsapp msg to mum.. that my cold is gone.. Had my soaked nuts...