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🌈 29 – The Burnout Last Time

Saturday 16th February 2019. I feel like it’s been a strange day today. It’s all gone like a bliss.. I woke up with a feeling of regret. I acknowledged it straight away. I had to shut a friend off yesterday because I am giving no time to anything else at the moment...

🌈 30 – An Elite Feedback Day!

Sunday 17 February 2019 Woke up but did not feel shit for going out last night. Remember I decided to go once a month to satisfy my ego. It’s not worth it..Β  I didn’t enjoy it. There is no point of trying to find things to do and chase for that 1 minute of...

🌈 31 – Footsteps Of A Leader

Monday 18 February 2019 Woke up early at 5:15, worked on email followup series.. These are follow up email series I will be sending to my leads after they subscribe from my YouTube Ad. I need to keep them inspired by my emails and motivate them to take action.. I love...

🌈 32 – The Script

Tuesday 19 February 2019 Running really short of time today. It’s 9:45, I write my blog from 9 – 10 pm.. 10pm I have other tasks. I had made a mistake earlier in my email follow up series, I need to rectify straight away because the system will automatically...

🌈 33 – Apple with Peanut Butter

I sat down and I am thinking, what can I say today.. How can I inspire, how can I influence, how can give value.. What do I say? I don’t know but I won’t start writing or coming up here.. All I know is, I am here to serve.. I don’t how but I will.. I had a great...

🌈 34 – The First Half Of The Day

I never re-read before posting.. because I feel so embarrassed ;-)) lol.. My onion layers are still peeling off.. When all the layers are peeled off, then I become that ultimate super human..Β  so for now, Please accept my apologies for the mistakes or grammar or...

🌈 35 – February Was Fun

Friday 22 February 2019, I just realized today the date is 22 February 2019, I had let go of the time and date for few days now. since I listened to “Power of Now”.. My light bulb moment… I am following the time if i need to, like the alarm etc if...

🌈36 – The Secret

Saturday 23 March 2017 Woke up usual time at 5 AM, sat up picked up the notebook and pen I put every night before bed next to me and wrote my affirmations.Β  Completed Google Analytics training from Acadamy for Ads by Google half left from last night. This training was...

🌈 37 – Friends

Sunday 24 February 2019 Woke up around 8:20, had gone to bed at 02:30 AM last night, working until then. I felt great when I woke up, so I ate the nuts I soaked in water last night, I soak a handful of brown Chickpeas, a bunch of Almonds and a bunch of peanuts in...

🌈 38 – River Thames

Monday 25 February 2019 I woke up late today just felt like lying in.. Got off the bed at 06:40 a little angry on myself, I sat down to meditate but wasn’t able to focus. I have to start work at 8, at 7:10 I decided to go for a run. I ran from, I live by the...