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Friday 31 Jul 01:17 2020


Woke up 6:30, went for a jog before work. Work was great.. Met my best friend Sema after work.. It was nice to catch up with a friend after the quarantine.. she’s the kindest kindest kindest kindest of all the human beings that I have ever met. She’s such. sweetheart. We met at the Shoreditch, Old Street tube station, London. I got there a bit early and was taking some pictures around, I lived for bit in that area a bit while ago, it was nice to be back at the Old Street area too. I took a few of pics then went into Shorditch Grindr and ordered 2 of the drinks, when he asked me what I what, I told him to give whatever and he made some nice lemon ice cocktail. Apparently, the Shoreditch grind is a cool place. My ex used to go there quite often.ย 

Those drinks were nice, we sat outside and took some pictures of one another.. we were catching up so much of so many things, It was such a pleasure and laugher. then after a bit, we walked towards the broadway market canal and walked down the canal.. I wanted to walk up to the pub on the park top the road of the canal, but halfway through we found a boat on the canal and we went on the boat and spend the rest of the evening on the boat talking. Initially, my idea was to walk down the canal and sit somewhere under the sun, however, we already sat down in Shoreditch grind, it felt beautiful so we sat down their.. then from there, we walked and now on the boat.ย 

It was so beautiful, there were people canoeing in the canal and there was a family of Swans swum by us at one point, then there was this crossed dressed guy walked past and said something about the rat that we saw there. We walked past and this guy was sitting and smoking weed there and we walked past and this cute couple was kissing. the day felt so beautiful with so many things.ย 

3 things I am grateful for todayย 

– for being here in Londonย 

– for having this platform to express my thoughts.ย 

– for my parents.ย 

1 wish of my dayย 

What would it take for me and for you to have the most change that ever happened to happen now in the form of abundance and everything in the way of that happening, please all stories and all mind patterns to get deleted across all time dimensions space and reality.ย