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Friday 17 May 2019

What vibrational energy can I align to for my foot to completely heal and me forget about my foot and give no more attention to it and everything in the way of that, I would like to uncreate it, delete it, de story it across all time dimensions space and reality..

well, I am unstoppable so I still went to gym, my foot felt a little funny today.. I did little affirmations and it disappeared and I was able to have a good workout. Nice day at work.. while I walked, I saw beautiful roses on my way.. In the morning, , and walking.. and I saw this beautiful plant. they looked so beautiful. I can’t take my eyes off it, I sent to my mum and Ms Sandra, mum responded back and she changed her profile pic to this..

Got home at 4:30, Did a bit more packing and got ready to go for swim, but I instead went to meet my best friend who’s in a pub nearby.. and my other mates leaving do too that is.. I did miss my group swim.. but I was going away for next 3 weeks and my foots been a bit funny today so it’s cool.

Everywhere, I think I have some issue with the foot and I keep feeding it by thinking and labeling I would like to delete it, de story it across all time dimensions space and reality.

What vibrational energy can I align to to wake up with my healthy feet and feel great and energetic and go an get my flights.. and everything in the way of that, I would like to uncreate it, delete it, de story it across all time dimensions space and reality..

3 x things I am grateful for today

– Grateful for having this best friend the beautiful Sema. I love you so much.
– Grateful for the free beers I got today..
– Grateful for being able to see so many friends today together..

3 x happy moments of my day

– Felt so happy when all my family responded to my Whatsapp message that my bags are packed.. they were like hurry up!!
– Felt so happy when I finished work today, I am off for next 3 weeks..
– Felt so happy when I used this new hair colour and It worked so good..

3 x things I need to do next that will take me a step closer to my goals.

– Keyword research
– Delete placements, where ads are shown section
– Add more keywords to campaigns.

1 x act of kindness today I went to bid farewell to a friend from work, I’ll see her somewhere..

1 x little wish of my day – What would it take for me wake up happy active and energytic and get my flight on time and everything in the way of that, I would like to uncreate it, delete it, de story it across all time dimensions space and reality.

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