Wednesday 15 May 2019
Woke up late but I didnβt want to miss the gym so I still went to gym before work.. Surprisingly I started work was only a few minutes past than my usually time.. I follow VShred workout plan routine and had a great leg workout.
I kinda went double on my reps today .. I usually go 7βs.. today I did 14βs.. my 7βs reps I call them as Health, Beauty, Wealth, Success, Confidence, Testosterone, Growth Hormone.. and I realized a few weeks ago.. Oh God!!! How on earth, I didnβt add gratitude to this.. so I added Gratitude at the end now.. so Itβs 8 Reps..
3 x things I am grateful for today
β Grateful for my health.
β Grateful for all the food I ate today.
β Grateful for all the education I received..
3 x happy moments of my day
β Happy packing my bag this evening, I will see my mum in 4 days
β I laughed a few times while eating and watching something on Netflix
β Felt so happy when I found this nice gift for my mum..
3 x things I need to do next that will take me step closer to my goals
β Research more direct related keywords to my Ad.
β Send a broadcast to my leads
β Get in touch with Apps.
1 x act of kindness today
β Held the door to a bunch of people at work.
1 x little wish of my day
β what vibrational energy can I align to move into my dream house now and everything in the way of that happening, I would like to uncreate it, delete it, de story it across all time dimensions space and reality..
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