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🌈 726 – Mon 11 Jul 23:55 2022


Woke up early.. Went to the gym before work. Did upper body.

4 x sets of pullups, 4 x sets of Barbell Bench press, 4 x sets of Incline Dumbell Bench press, 4 x sets of Incline Svend Presses, 4 x sets of Standing Cable flys, and then 4 x sets of Incline Cable flys and then 4 x sets of Shoulders on the machine and headed out.

Got back to the desk. Today is Monday’s work, The Monday feeling. Wonder why Mondays are invented. Work was cool, not too busy logging in sharp. Just been downloading all P60s and payslips before the logoff from this work for good this Thursday. Goodbyes to Hxxx.

Vxxxxx Jxxxx a desi mate who was around central had texted asking if he’ll call around for a chat. I said fine. Mates called in for a bit and left around 11:30. I went back to desk.,

Lunchtime I walked up to Camberwell, needed to do something at the Lloyds bank,. walked back, 02:02 was back at the desk. Rest of the afternoon went smooth.

Logged of work at around 16:15 lying on the bed and then realised, I lost almost 2 hours, it was 18:06 the next looked at the time on the phone, I said ugh and took a nap for 30 min and set the alarm on.. Around 19:10 had dinner.. then walked upto Westminster to go and check where Darthmorth street is. So hot hot hot day today it was 33 degrees sweaty and horny.

Walked via Vauxhall, Lambeth bridge, Church cottages Westminster and then over towards St. James park. I was a pleasant walk, not a lot of people outside around parliament and it’s a hot day to be out., walked back, rested and then had a shower and offered all the Namaz catchups 3 Rakaths Magrib, 4 Rakaths Asar, 4 Rakath Zohr, and 2 Rakath Fajr and then also 4 Rakath lastnights Ishan.. and then had a glass of Soya milk and now typing..

In news Russia still invading Ukraine, and here our PM’s successor’s still not been chosen and the inflation around the world is rocketing high with food shortages around effecting the most in Africa

3 things I felt grateful for today

  • For the energy, I had for being able to walk to so many places.
  • Grateful for Chickpeas
  • Grateful for the invention of the photography
  • What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times stronger, happier, richer and then have a relaxing yet productive Tuesday tomorrow and then the rest of the week and all negative patterns please get deleted now.. immediately.. sleep sleep sleep is here. and coming. Goodnight, Good luck..