π 565 – Sun 07 Nov 23:55 2021
My last blog was 15 Oct the day I moved out of the old flat at the Oval but the Cricket ground. It took these many days by the time I sit down, get my head straight and finally settle down and put my thought into words.
I’m sitting on my bed virgin radio is playing.. (You don’t know what you mean to me) no matter what I do .. All I think about is you..
Moved in great. It feels really good hear. My view is two big huge trees in this huge window and I’m waking up to star. Honestly stars. There is this huge window in my new room, and I took those curtains off and it’s open sky and couple days ago I think, I opened my eyes and my first sight was this huge star in the sky. I didn’t know that you could see stars in London. Of course they can see but I never had a huge open sky showing stars window. It’s beautiful.
Have work tomorrow.. I’ll have to go to bed early. But listen and be helpful to people. I had so many challenges with the van driver guy and then moving in .. the old LL people need help so please be helpful.
10:30 AM today I went for run. Went over Vauxhall bridge then crossed over Lamebth brige and back home to Oval. I usually go over the Parliament but I turned around some reason and half way through on the bridge I realised, Oh why didn’t cross the bridge over towards Westminster.. It was little cold and I was gonna come back and do some work so I thought It was like a sign.
Got home around mid day, ate lunch.. then put the radio on again and I was doing this and that.. la la la.. on my laptop and Dad run around 15:30. I quickly ran to turn the radio off and came back and sat on my bed, I was like breathing heavy and he asked me what are you doing I said, Oh the radio was on, so I quickly went to turn it off and came back to sit down. so.. what are you doing. he just ate and he was gonna go to bed. Ukma and daal he said.
I don’t if it is Upma or Ukma.. a South India dish, mother used to make it many times going up.. I always thought It was Upma when we spoke but when my parents write to me on whatsapp.. Mother always said, Ukma and today Dad had also said Ukma.. I really thought It was Upma.. lola “P”… You know one of the India strange languages which doesn’t have a script is some PP language.. In that language, people when they are talking they – when they have to say the P word in a sentence they say P word twice.. Papa becomes PPPPaPPPPA..
3 thing I feel grateful for today
- Grateful for my bed feeling comfortable.
- Graeful for having a great day today.
- Grateful for my parents.
What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times stronger, active, happier, richer and smarter tomorrow and all negative patterns from mind please get deleted now! Night.sleep tight and have a nice week tomorrow.. Ash xx