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🌈 522 – Fri 20 Aug 23:55 2021


Don’t know how the day flew today. So glad I was off. I didn’t look at the time for sometime after I woke up and then I looked it was 10:20. I was fasting today. the Moharram fast. Last night sister messaged me almost around mid night, I had told her last time, if any special occasions like these please do remind me.. The Islamic Month’s Moharram’s fast is for commemorating the rescue of the Israelites by Moses from Pharoaoh.

13:30 I went to the super market the Tesco the new big one refurbished one opened back. I need to buy Giger and lemon teas I was going to pack the box gifts for family and I thought mother and Phupujaan will love this tea. Tesco was a bit busy, it was almost the lunch time.

I bought, Soy milk, chicken, big bag of rice, yogurt, 4 x cans of Tuna, 2 x ginger lemon teas, think bleach,.yeah that’s it.

Got home, had a nice shower and then offered the Friday prayer.. Match was on next door in the Oval cricket ground there were lot of people and lot of commotion all day long. they do so much of noise and Lolli..

rest of the afternoon I packed the gifs and the box to send out tomorrow.. 4pm I set a deadline to myself to finish that box 4:30 pm the post office at the Kennnigton shuts but I didn’t finish until 4:30.. lets see if it’s open tomorrow, it’s Saturday. It says Saturday 9 AM to 12:30 pm, hopefully after gym in the morning I should quickly run there.

Neice is going to write her medical entrance exam in 21 days, everyone’s been praying and wishing her, I put a little bracelet gift for her and a music box for Neph.. Last time I was home and little Neph picked up my book or something and in that book sometime in the past I had written “You shall know the truth and truth shall set you free”.. the ultimate freedom thing, and he asked me.. What does this mean mama.. I thought! hmm.. ! interesting.. there is one more questionary in the family.

19:30 I took a nap.. the put the curtain to the cricket match playing. when I woke up, I was so happy they all cleared up. It gets so dusty from the windows after all those humans walking on the road. Woke up had dinner watching Netflix, the Friday just gone, hopefully I can be more accountable to my hours.

3 things I feel grateful today

  • for parents
  • for my flat
  • for having next 2 days off..

What would it take for me and for you to have very very very relaxing yet extremely productive weekend! Night for bed! Ash!