π 494 – Thu 15 Jul 23:38 2021
Woke up 6:00.. bright sun was inside my bedroom. I sleep with the curtains open so I can wake up to the Sun. it was so beautiful. Went to the gym before work. the weather was good.. walked up to the gym at the Oval, Had a really really really really really good workout. Did 4 x sets of pull-ups then dips on bodyweight in 15 in as warmup and then main workout I did legs in 45 mins 4 x sets of 8 reps of Sumo deadlifts, then Reverse Lunges and then Leg Calf raises and then a set of Shoulders on the machine and the set of Abs on the machine as these last 2 machines are by the door to exit and I like them. Never give up on yourself!
Work was cool. Logged in nice and sharp, the morning meeting went well and then but the network had been playing up a lot today I have to finish all the work tomorrow before I log off for the weekend. 13:20 booked swim at the Vauxhall leisure center.. got there nice and easy.. I had to book in before I went due to covid they are only allowing 2 or 3 people in the lane but there was this full empty lane just waiting for me.. I jumped in and it was nice .. I think I must have done up 20 or 30 laps up and down a few Back strokes, a few Breaststrokes, and then a lot more Front rolls until I felt like ok, I have to go now.. It think I left at 13:50.. got back home to do work working from home..
The rest of the afternoon went well. IT was funny.. then stayed back after work on my desk for a couple more hours until 5:30 doing the coursework that I have exam this weekend the sports and massage therapy course that I was doing I have exams and a final test on 17th this coming Saturday.. The subject is mostly human anatomy and physiology. Intersting..
6:15 was feeling so horny through out the day so had a quick wank and went took a 30 min nap listening to some guided meditation on youtube I set the alarm for 30 min. I said, Hey Siri set the alarm in 30 min and then Siri gave me some time and I usually don’t look and then I found the meditation for 24 min and then I fell a sleep straight way as I turned it on and the meditation was only half way through and my alarm already went off.. I don’t know what happened there. I woke up turned the alarm off and then went back to meditiaon sleep for another 10 min I think. was feeling so good when I woke up was peaceful. I wish I had a note next to me so I can write down what I was thinking.. waking up from the subconscious. then mediated for 15 min.. the got ready and went to Run.. I think it was 7:15 pm at that time..
Ran from Oval towards Vauxhall by royal vauxhall taven over the Vauxhall brige and then the Lambeth bridge by Albert embankment and got back home 40 min. 8:20 pm made dinner.. lentils, stake, rice was yum ate watching Anthony bordains netflix Srilanka.. very fascinating history. then sat on my desk doing some more work.
It was such a nice day today. The most important thing you make is to be in a good mood!!
3 things I’m grateful for today
- for these 3 little kids who were running around me on there scooters going to school with their dad when I was coming back home from the gym at 8 Am in the morning..
- for my parents
- for the existence of the humans on the planet.
What would it take for me and for you to wake 10 x times energetic happier bigger thicker and richer tomorrow and then have a relaxing yet productive day tomorrow and all the negative patterns that blocking this to happen smoothly please get deleted now across all time dimensions space and reality.
Of all the billions of people on the planet, there is not another you! Night night.. xx Ash