Fri 15 Jan 23:42 2020
Woke up at 7.. meditated 15 min.. went for run.. Ran only Vauxhall bridge and Lambeth bridge. It was freezing cold and I needed to get to work today. I was wearing a inner t-shirt, a jumper on top, a monkey-hat with ears closed, underwear, and tracksuit bottoms it was still cold. My friend told me to buy this neck thing to run, covers all the neck and cold will not go inside but I need to think of keywords to type in eBay or Amazon to find that neck thing my friend was talking about..
I went on ebay and typed “Men neck cold” and this came up – ” Men thermal flees neck warm up” – this is exactly what I was looking for.
So these are keywords – Anything you go and type on google, amazon or ebay – the words you type are keywords. There are short keywords, there are long tail keywords and there are intent based keywords”
The longer the keywords the more relevant to the person who’s looking for.
If I source some products on Amazon from China – the amazon system will ask me while listing on what website, list a few keywords that describes your product. – then you add a bunch of keywords – like this person above added keywords as “Men thermal flees nect warm up” – this is a long tail keyword, and if the people who are looking to buy and goes on amazon or ebay or google and types a keyword and the product comes and you choose and click on that and then make a purchase. – the sellers quality score goes up and next time,
Had to go into work 2nd time this week, otherwise wfh. I saw my reception friend a few cleaners but no one else. The entire building was empty. It’s like they show you on the tv, before and after pictures, the before pic of the house is an ancient-looking house, with rusty old things then they renovate and transform that same house and they show after pic of a spectacular shiny looking bright vibrant house. It’s a bit opposite to that here. everything looks abandoned.
Dad messaged me this afternoon while I was at work asking how I was doing? I think he was watching news back at home about UK. everytime they see news they were messaging me or ringing me. how are you how are you? I kept saying them, stop watching news and if you’re watching then don’t come asking me everyday how are you how are you? ugh!
Amazon had de listed my bags from Amazon. My brother lives in middle east so he wanted a bag, I said tell me when you want to buy, I can lower the price and you can order it and so he did. I lowered the price he purchased it a couple days later, I bought it back to it’s original price. After about a month, Amazon found it i think and it de listed it saying potential high pricing error. I tired to edit and re activate again but the error still still persists. .
3 things I’m grateful for
For the money i have
for the people around me i love
for all the comforts i have
what would it take for me to wake up stronger and energetic and have a excellent and productive weekend.
Good night, good luck. I neither re read the journal above nor i’m writing this for you. This is for me when I look back at my life one day. I want to tell myself how much I’m grateful for being blessed with this day and remember all the beautiful things I did on this day and when you have forgotten what you have done yesterday!Β
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Thanks, Ash x
My beautiful desk at the office, Kennington Jan 2021
the main road next to my flat by the cricket ground Oval, 2021 Jan

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