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Mon 21 Dec 23:58 2020


Woke up at 7:30.. Off this week for a 2-week Christmas break but wants to get some work done and want to keep with the habit of logging in at 8 am as usual, so sat on my desk for some time on my laptop working this and that.

Ate chocolate droughts for breakfast with coffee picked up from Sainsbury’s Vauxhall .. had been on my desk the rest of the morning doing mostly updating the email follow-up series.. the big tasks to complete on my Christmas list.

Email follow-up series is – when you get a lead / a subscriber the system automatically sent your lead, a welcome email and an email the day after and the following day etc as follow-up email series. (1st email is welcome, 2nd email is an introduction to whatever you’re promoting etc)..

And a subscriber is – β€œwhen you say β€œclick here” on your advert – people click and they land onto a page of your website – on that page – you wrote somethings that connects and resonates to the person who clicked that click and is what they are looking for – and they trust you and put their name and email address and click submit button – becomes your lead / subscriber. ” and they go into your system where you have many other names and email stored in the same way – this is called as list building.” The above email automated email follow up series system will trigger and send the emails out on your behalf ” all automated.. set up once only these things..

Around 3 pm I had to go into town to dean street Soho.. Went for the std appointment. I hardly saw humans.. There weren’t a lot of people outside.. The train was empty, China town, Leicester square was limited people. The weather was so mild and so beautiful. Currently is the third lockdown in England, this time I think people are a bit more funny with the new strain of the virus, so I guess they are all finally staying home!

Walked back home from Leicester square to Trafalgar Square, then Westminster, over to Lambeth bridge, and back home to Vauxhall.. Christmas tree Trafalgar square so beautiful.

Walking back home 5:30 mother phoned.. they have been watching the news back home, I ate rice lentils, and eggs talking to her, had a long chat this and that.. I asked her again please stop watching the news!

3 thing grateful for today

  • for the energy to walk
  • for the energy to eat
  • to all supermarkets and the people who have to go out to work and these days.

what would it take for me and for you and our families and all people around us to have abundant food supply around us all the time now and forever, and all patterns in the mind created which is against this to make it possible, please get deleted!

Click here or on any of the images below and start your own online business education today!

Take care,


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