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Sun 20 Dec 23:51 2020


Woke up at 6:30.. felt like going back to bed after pee.. went back to bed.. and woke up at 9:30.. Dad had asked me to ring him today after lunch, I was sleeping last night at 1:30 he said, β€œaaj baat karegey betey insha Allaha, tumahaarey lunchke baad.” let’s talk today son insha Allaha, after your lunch.”

Workout done for the weekend,. went to gym Sat morning as soon as I woke up.. did pull exercise.. 4 x pull-ups, lat pull down, t-bar row, cable row and a set of dumble curls and a set of shoulders on the machine drop sets.

and in the evening.. the government shut the gyms down.. so happy I went in the morning.

Following the English Government announcement of a new Tier 4 in England, Puregym London Oval will close at 8pm tonight.Your regular payments will be frozen andyou will not be charged while your gym is closed.

Cooked and ate rice and lentils before ringing dad in the afternoon after the gym.. the weather is so mild today but it rained all the weekend.

mate Sxxxxx came to see me after his work around Kennington around 9:30 pm Saturday evening, we went for a stroll to see if RVT or Eagle or any other places around were open but there were no people no places were open and everything was shut.

Apparently, they found some new strain of Covid in the UK and it’s spreading faster .. so PM had this cobra meeting today and he shut everything down.. people got 6 hours to get out of the city or tier 4 measures were bought in the toughest lockdown.

Around 7 pm Sat evening mate Jxxx messaged me saying our Christmas plans are canceled.. We cannot go up. We were gonna go up north to see Ms Sandra.. countryside but the plans are canceled now.. I saw my flatmate in the kitchen he said he canceled his train tickets. All plans for Christmas are canceled. I

Spoke to mother yesterday evening after work and then rung audible to return 24 books and downloaded new load of 20 something books to listen to this break.. after speaking to mother yesterday evening.. I started listening to Transcending the levels of consciousness by David Hawkins so excellent book it was.. I got hooked straight away and listened all night.. slept a few hours.. listened again in the morning.

Went for a run.. Vauxhall bridge, Lambeth bridge, Westminster bridge.. felt really relaxed after the run. I had been waiting for a little bit dry floor to run and Sunday noon I found a dry floor before the rain comes back..

Tasks to complete during the Christmas break –

  • Finish audible 25 books.
  • Update email follow up series.
  • Change convertri pages to the website and cancel convertri subscription.

3 things I feel grateful for today

  • for my desk
  • for my laptop
  • for the coffee, I’m drinking..

what would it take for me and for you to have everything around us made always simpler now and forever and everything in the way of that happening, please all patterns get deleted now.

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