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Thursday 05 September 2019

Woke up 5:20, body pump class at 6:30, got here just on time, she was kind to let me in.. Got to work at 8:15.. team lunch 12:20, ate a yummy yummie Stake and Ale pie at Tommy Fields Kennington. Got home from work around 04:30, wanted to take a nap so I got onto the bed but was on my phone until 5:17, I realized, I should have woken up by now! then I had Dan Lok’s meditation on, it’s about 24 minutes which is just perfect for the nap… 

I had to get up a couple times to check the txt msgs, bkz I was in between something earlier,.. then I took a nap and listening to Dan and woke up around 6:30pm, I was planning to send a broadcast to my leads today.. 

I checked my emails and I had an email from Emil sharing Chris’s story.. I thought it was such a great idea and Chri’s such inspiration. I decided to use the same style and sent a broadcast email to all my close to 1000 leads.. 

Chris another of our SFM members..

He previously worked as a truck driver in a mine, with a desire for time- geographical and financial freedom. 

To reach his dream he decided to invest in himself and joined SFM to learn how to build his own online business together with his brother Gerard. 

It wasn’t always easy and not a straight line upwards. But by being consistent and committed he finally could quit his job and start living the laptop lifestyle, his dream.

I would like you to watch Chris’s Story Here. 

I build a page on my website, I created the email and sent a broadcast.. and then got ready for swim, I think it was around 7:30 pm.. got to swim, felt so energytic bkz I took a nap, I sent a broadcast .. such a peace of mind., I swim glasses were funny today. they were being funny even the last time but I thought it’s will vanish. I had to ask this guy guarding the pool if he has a spare one I can borrow, he let me try 3 pairs, later when I went back to give it to another guy sitting there, he was like you can have them.. I returned 2, I gave mine and took nice ones for me.  My evenings getting more better. Got a free nice pair of swim googles.. my ones were nice ones, but I think it went a little lose, hopefully somebody bigger head than mine will get them.. 

3 x things I am grateful for. 

– Grateful for all food I ate today 

– Grateful for my productive day 

– Grateful for all my workouts today 

1 x little wish of my day 

What would it take for me and for you both to get as successful as Chris with our online businesses or whatever businesses we are in, and everything in the way of that, I would like to uncreate it, delete it, de story it across all time dimensions space and reality. 

Have a good night.. 

Sorry it’s 01:06, I don’t want to read all the above again.. plz forgive me for grammar or spellings or whatever.. Just feel my love.. x

Ash Khaleem 

Click on my image to watch a short video from my mentor Stuart.


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