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Now is always better than later!


It does not matters where you are. What matters is where you are headed.

🌈 1227 – Tuesday, 16th July 2024 23:25


I just watched an episode of Blue Planet Deep Seas, and I’m astonished by the beautiful creatures that live beneath the surface of the ocean. There’s this living 10 meters long transparent ribbon-like thing that lives in the water. Apparently, only 10% of the deep sea has been explored, and there are still many creatures to be discovered. Meanwhile, we are already exploring the moon and other planets.

Are we right in setting our priorities? Why don’t we make world hunger a first priority instead of exploring the deep seas or figuring out if there was water on the moon or other planets? Human world, set some goals for the global good. Stop industrial fishing from making food look fancy and wasting most of it.

23:39 in bed, going to bed shortly after writing something. Dreading tomorrow, got a big day at work, and I want to come across as an example of almost perfect! God, please help!

Woke up early today, feeling good. Read 3 Ayats in bed, then Dad’s good morning prayer message. Then gave a heart to Jiju’s text on group chat. My bro-in-law and sis are visiting Umrah. Happy to see them there and glad my bro-in-law is updating us on the group. Sat at the edge of the bed and did 25 affirmations, answered nature’s call, got ready, and wore a black t-shirt, shorts, a blue jumper on top, and red tracksuit bottoms. Left home around 07:10 AM, feeling good, happy, grateful, and with no complaining mind! Good job, mind!

The Sun was out, bright, and mild, and stayed sunny most of the day. Got to the gym, did upper body, unanticipated but had a good workout. Did 4 sets of 10 reps of pull-ups, counting, healthy, wealth, beauty, success, confidence, testosterone, growth hormone, symmetry, rich, powerful.

Did not find the usual 20 kg dumbbells, took the 22 kg ones and did 4 sets of 10 reps of shoulder presses, dropped the weight, and did the same sets of lateral raises and front raises. Jumped in the shower, and I saw this Prada hair shampoo left by someone. It was still early, and there was nobody there. I was tempted to use it, but I didn’t. I smelled it but let someone else have it.

Got back home, offered 2 rak’ahs of Salah-tu-Fajr and 2 rak’ahs of Salah-tu-Hajath, brushed teeth, ironed a white shirt and light pistachio-colored trousers, made a banana shake, put moisturizer on my face, got dressed, with Bloomberg Daybreak Europe on the headphones, and left for work. Felt a little rushed but was feeling great. On the bike by St. James Park.

Had to work at a new office today. Two years ago, I could have attended a training there but chose to do other tasks. Today I had to go. Wonder what pulled me back.

Most of the day was spent checking and reviewing some documents. Ate chicken breast for lunch with a mate with a beautiful view while my friend observed people. I wish I had gotten some pudding too.

Back at the desk, logged off around 17:10, got back home, sat on the phone watching clips. I had an instinct to call my mother for a quick catch-up. Dad was already in bed, and she was offering Isha before bed. We spoke for a bit; parents are traveling tomorrow to go to Srpt. We said goodnight to each other.

Then started trying clothes on, getting ready for tomorrow. Took all the suits out and tried one after another. Wore a blue suit and knocked on the door in front where an elderly gentleman lives, but he wasn’t in. I wished there was someone I could ask if this suit was good enough for tomorrow.

Decided to go downstairs to the one who lives below. They had a leak from above a few weeks ago, and we spoke a couple of times. I knocked on the door, and the lady of the house opened. I asked her if Mr. Peter was home, and she said he’s attending a training. I said, okay, the reason I’m here is that I’m attending the state opening tomorrow and wanted to ask if this suit was okay. She laughed and said, you look very nice, but what did they say to wear? She called out to her son, “Come here, you’re good with suits, our neighbor wants some help.” The son came out laughing and said, it looks good, but I think this is an evening suit. I got the ticket out, and it said day suit. He said, perhaps the long tail one.

Would it be okay if I go back up and come down in my blue suit? Would you be okay to have a look? She said yes, of course. I went back up, and my mate called, asking how it’s going, and if I had started dinner yet. I said no, I’m still in a suit, picking clothes. We spoke briefly and agreed to catch up later. I changed clothes and went back down. This time the son had already googled and had a picture of the long tail gentleman’s suit on his iPad. The father, mother, and son were all standing at the door, waiting for me. They said this blue one is good, definitely nicer than the other one. I thanked them and decided to wear the blue tomorrow, got back up, and dusted it.

Then started making dinner, Harees. Tantrums, tantrums, tantrums, for no reason, God!

Ate while watching an episode of Friends, then I polished shoes, then nails, and finally sat down on the bed and watched an episode of Planet Earth. Swiped the channel and saw a preview of some Indian king’s show, looked great, started watching it, but it was too distracting to write. Swiped the channel again and saw this program that is leaving soon from Netflix. I turned it on and started typing. It was Devil Wears Prada!

3 things that I felt grateful for today:

  1. Grateful for sunshine on my way to work.

  2. Grateful for feeling ready for tomorrow.

  3. Grateful for lessons learned in the day.

Around the world today:

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 times bigger, stronger, more energetic, happy, and healthy? Make it work out in the morning, have a good workout, get to work on time, everything be fine with family, friends, and everyone around, and then have a relaxing, yet productive day tomorrow?

Goodnight, good luck!

Ash Khaleem

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