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Organic Farming Illustrations 07b 1

Count your blessings.

🌈 1193 – Friday, 31 May 2024 23:54


I woke up early, mate MT crashed over last night after the Opera had left to take his dogs out, so we decided to take a break for good. I hope it will work.. Grey, cold and foggy outside. I got ready to go to the gym but instead decided to log in work. Its Friday today β€œEmbracing Friday, my love, let’s dance to its rhythm! The art of doing nothing becomes a sweet symphony, and we never truly know when it’s complete.

I worked mostly on the audits today, broke for lunch around 13:07 had a quick shower, walked up to the Soho masjid and offered the Friday Zohr Jumma Salah.. read on the 2nd Jamath.. got back home, ate lunch rice and chicken and sat back a the desk, bhaia bro messaged around 15:30 asking, did I pray today for Friday salah and I was glad that I offered the salah.. Big brother from the Middle East checking on me little brother if I’m following the routine and keeping up the practices, glad to have relations to that checks upon..

MT my dear friend a quote for you – β€œNever return to what shattered you. When we truly observe, many things reveal the beauty surrounding us; in the middle of all, I’ve discovered the art of laughter, tears, and growth.”

Logged off work around 17:30 after typing 15 affirmations.. generally, I typed them all together at once all 15 times.. but today I spread them out 5 when I sat at the desk first then 5 and 5 when the internet was off.. All I hear outside is a crowd of guys singing songs in central London today, there must be some demonstration at Trafalgar Square.. and the weather is good so everyone’s out. It’s cloudy but mild.

Hoping to get some work done this weekend, need to make a list of things that need to finish, I got to sort out, what is that one thing that I need to do then nothing else will matter, or not doing anything else that one thing will take me forward, gives me that comfort of doing something useful and productive and that is not missing to sit down and write my blog.. doesn’t matter if provide value to someone or not.. I want to remember my day If one day I have time to sit and look back at my life.. I doubt someone else will write my biography or autobiography perhaps I will do it myself… At least I will practice of writing. Good or bad it’s mine.

Around the world today –

Mexico will hold its largest elections ever on Sunday and probably for the first time put a woman in charge of Latin America’s second-biggest economy.

The latest election results from South Africa suggest the ruling African National Congress may not only lose its majority but do so by a margin wider than expected.

Lithuania would be willing to send personnel to help train troops on Ukrainian soil.

3 things I felt grateful for today

  • I am grateful for having a family that checks up on me from 4000 miles away.

  • So grateful got a weekend with no plans and I can do anything I want with my own time.

  • Grateful got this Iphone and mac the pix could be sent by airdrop so easily.

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times bigger, thicker, muscular, more energetic, richer, and happier make it workout in the morning, everything to be okay with friends, family and everyone around, and then have relaxing, relaxing, relaxing yet a productive day tomorrow?

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