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🌈 449 – Fri 30 Apr 23:51 2021


Woke up 7:30.. Sun was inside again so beautiful .. summer will be so more beautiful. logged in work sharp at 8 AM. Work was good. Friday so everybody so happy.. at the huddle today I said, Our long awaited weekend has arrived so I’m celebrating wearing a hat… cheerio good weekend guys! they were so happy.

Went for a walk again lunch time.. Vauxhall bridge, lambeth bridge..

14:00.. offered Firday prayer.. mother phoned 3:30 pm.. dad was talking to our bomman neighbour … 4:30 logged off work..

One of the goals for this weekend is making a video so I was byhearting the Campbells script then I felt like sleeping for a little bit .. I think I slept long. I work up 19:40 something.. It was nice.

20:20 Iftar.. 17th day of the fast has gone well. Ramadhan is going well and today was good news in the news saying only 1 in 1000 people in England have Covid-19 and there are some regions now without a single covid dxxxx in 2 weeks and now over 40’s can book for the vaccine in england.

goals for this long bank holiday weekend..

  • byheart script
  • create video
  • cook and eat well.
  • mediate
  • send a broadcast
  • speak to parents.

3 thing im grateful for todayΒ 

– for my laptopΒ 

– for mirrors existing on our planetΒ 

– and for colour BLACK!

What would it take for me and for you to wake and have so relaxing yet productive saturday tmro.. Ngiht!Β 



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