When I started my LLC Company,Β I wanted to pay less in taxes, and invest the money I was saving to earn better returns.
And I wanted the freedom to do it from anywhere on earth.
I wanted toβ¦
1. Keep more of my own money (lower taxes and less funny business)
2. Create a freedom lifestyle (living where I want and having option no matter what happens)
Now, Iβm sharing what Iβve learned with you.
LLCs gives your business its own legal identity. In the eyes of the law, itβs a separate βpersonβ that can own money, property andΒ make agreements.
LLCs can be owned by one or more people, who are known as LLC βmembers.β An LLC with one owner is known as aΒ single-member LLCΒ and an LLC with more than one owner is aΒ multi-member LLC.
Forming your business as a limited liability company (LLC) helps:
A limited liability company (LLC) is just one of several business structures. Other common examples include:
For most small business owners,Β a limited liability company offers the right mix of personal asset protection and simplicity.
Unlike sole proprietorships and general partnerships, LLCs can protect your personal assets if your business is sued. Unlike corporations, LLCs are relatively easy to form and maintain and are not subject to double taxation.
If youβd like to see if youβre a good fit for usΒ to help you figure this stuff out,Β
CLICK HEREΒ to learn about how weΒ can do that.
If you youβre just getting started, or just arenβt sure where to start,
See you on the inside,
Have a great weekend.Β