Fri 23 Oct 00:18 


Thursday woke up very early.. went to attend Absolute abs class at the gym, 7 something.. worked 8 to 4.. spoke to mother around 5:30. was just finishing work.. brother was phoning her while I was speaking so she said bye to me and went to speak to him.. took a nap 6:30 to 7.. went for a run after waking up.. Ran albert embankment, then I saw these bunch of people kayaking I went under the Lambeth bridge on the road and they were under the bridge in the water.. I thought in water was faster than land but I was faster then them.. they were so behind I forgot about them, ran upto Westmister bridge, took each step to go up I was getting closer to the middle, the kayaks were under the bridge..

cooked lamb for dinner. sister phoned around 9:30.. it was midnight for her.. Neice also talked.. she had some cute cute zoology and physics questions.. I was just happy to here her voice.. 

looking for a deal on Fiver to outsource the ebook.. donno what to do with amazon. 

3 things I’m grateful for today 

– for the laptop 

– for the family 

– for the food I consumed today 

what would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 times stronger energetic younger happier bigger energititc and richer tomorrow.. 




Ash Khaleem

Published by
Ash Khaleem