Categories: Archive

🌈 86 – Pursuing Passion


Why Do You Think This Is The Right Time To Build Your Online Business???

Most people that I know, I talk to, they don’t really pursue their passion, they would rather be doing something else then the current situation they are in..Β  They have a deep feeling within them, deep wrenching feeling.. If they get to the end of their life, never making a change, never pursuing their passion, they are gonna deeply regret it, for not even trying to figure out, What is it they can build value to..? What is it that they can create in the world..?

And, All those business professionals, who are unfulfilled in their career, and the prospect of working for another 30 years, doing the same job, being in the same career path, it’s just like burying your head in the sand, It’s like hiding away somewhere…

We are not in that Industrial Age anymore!!

This is automation, me speaking to the camera is automation.. and get my message across many people.. with Artificial Intelligence, automation, technology replacing people, everybody’s gonna be working in their laptops.. The quicker we build our presence online,Β  the successful our future will be..

I have recently made my transition.. and I am very grateful that I got the opportunity. And…  I would like to help you with that..

Click on the link below!Β  And you will get access to a FREE TRAINING WORKSHOPΒ  that HELPED ME made my transition and I hopefully, think that will be an eye-opener for you..

If nothing else, it will give you a basic understanding of How Digital Economy Works! OK?

I look forward to welcoming you on the other side.. 🌈


3 x things I am grateful for today

– So happy and grateful today, my brother’s got a pay raise.
– Grateful for being able to run and Jog.
– And I am grateful for the people who’s made everything possible to make me sit in on sofa and enjoy the TV..


3 x Happy moments of my day

– When I got a WhatsApp message from my brother that he’s got a good news.
– I felt happy on my way back home from the gym. The Sun was out and the weather looked so great..
– Was happy and laughed a few times when my mate Cieran came to see me this afternoon..

3 x Things I need to do next that will take me to step closer to my goals.

– Complete, Christi’s training.
– Research for creating a group on Linkedin
– Update email followup series.


*********************************************************************************************************************************Β  The Only Thing That I Want To Introduce You To, Is The Educational System Below! With Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Most of 9-5 Lifestyles Will Become Laptop Lifestyles. It Will Be A Laptop Future.. The Quicker You Build Your Presence Online, The Successful Your Future Will Be.. Your Free Video Workshop To Understand How Digital Economy Works Click Here!Β 

Ash Khaleem Β Β My YouTube, My Website,Β  Free Online Education For You ***************************************************************************************************************************

Ash Khaleem