🌈 489 – Tue 6 Jul 23:56 2021

🌈 489 – Tue 6 Jul 23:56 2021


Woke up 7:30 am. I was feeling good.. It was grey and no sun outside was a little rain and dark clouds most of the day. It rainined on and off but there were some kids playing in the cricket ground. Logged in work sharp at 8:00 AM.

Work was cool.. CTA, some sending docs, and then email.. In the morning had listened to the audio book through the eyes of god, then surah kahf twice and then parah 30 whilst working and then in the afternoon had listen to the audio book of the day 6 The Screwtape letters.. luckily the book is only 2 hours something long so I listened to it twice.. It was good. I thinks some people really get into this type of literature.

Lunch time got ready to go to gym but it started raining and by the time I got ready it became 13:35 lunch break was mostly 13:00 to 14:00.. sat meditated for 15 min instead and sat back on the desk working.

I was doing some research and I jut got carried away. Guys please don’t get destracted while you need to get some work done.

3 thing I feel grateful for today

  • for the comfy bed I’m sitting
  • for the sleep with is coming
  • for this some nice music playing in my room.

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times stronger active bigger happier and richer tomorrow.. Night!

Ash Khaleem