Daily Personal and General

🌈 490 – What did the blanket say when it fell off the bed?

I hope your weekend had gone well.Β 

There’s nothing like a bit of a motivationΒ to get you starting your week right, so I thought I’d share what I’ve been working on myself..

The quality of your life equals the quality of your relationships.” Yet many of us leave our relationships up to chance. We think that strong, passionate love and deep, committed connection just…happen.

The truth is great relationships take work – they require intentional growth, self-mastery and self-reflection. And when you put work in, you’ll receive massive rewards.Β 

This week , don’t blame people for disappointingΒ you,Β  blame yourself for expecting too much from them. Β  Β Β 
Have a great week ahead!


Ash Khaleem