Explore The World
π 778 – Wed 21 Sep 22:25 2022
Woke up early early, mediated 15 min. Got ready took the bike out, went to the gym.. Did 4 x sets 8 reps pulls up on the bar, then 4 x sets of Incline Barbell Bench press 8 reps.. the gym was too busy and I took the exit way, I looked at the time and it was 07:27.. I can still use more time here and on my way out did 4 x sets of 8 reps Shoulder press on the machine, and 4 x sets of Dips hanging and 4 x sets drop sets of Abs on the machine on my way out.. Left gym around 07:35.. yes, from 07:27 to 07:35 – 3 exercises are done.
Got home, breakfast Tuna, saved bread, checked clothes, showered, and then offered 2 x Rakaths of Fajr Salah and 2 x Rakaths of Salah to Hajath, wore a white shirt and sea blue formal trousers, red trainers and a small bag checked to see, ID, headphones, iPhone charger, a small tiny notebook and a pen and keys are in there and left home at 8:16..
From Oval station, via Vauxhall bridge past Lambeth bridge, to Westminster.. got to work around 08:35.. Bloomberg news on my headphones just said, Good Morning, it’s 8:30 AM in London, 9:30 AM in Paris and 4:30 AM in Tokyo just around when I was parking the bike on the road and I went into work upstairs.
Day went cool. Did reports first, then had a training from 11:30 to 12:45. On my way to another building, mother texted lunch time, how was my day going, I asked her to send me a selfieΒ and then from 14:30 to 17:30 there was long meeting, I have to set up the IT. Left the meeting site walked back to work, took the belongings and left for home around 17:50 got home and 18:30 around and went straight to bed.. and woke up at 19:58.. a Bunch of messages on WhatsApp parents went to bed. brother and sister said goodnight and I got up and made Spagattie Bologanes and ate watching.
3 things I felt grateful for today
- Grateful for blue bike roads in London
- I had to walk to another building for a meeting and I was glad that I wore a jacket today.
- Grateful for the anticipation the weekend is coming soon.
What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times stronger, happier, thicker, bigger, leaner, richer and sharper have a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing yet productive day tomorrow and all negative patterns, please get removed and goodnight sleep come now!
Goodnight, Good luck… Ash