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Say today is the best day of your life!

🌈 729 – Thu 14 Jul 23:57 2022


00:00 it just became while I still sat and the reminder came on the phone come on Ash and I started typing otherwise I sat there thinking. The window is open, I don’t dare to shut it it’s too hot but the noise from the Oval main road, I have to shut for sure when I got to bed which is coming soon. I give myself a few sweet blessings for a few min later when I have finished everything and just getting into bed.

Today woke up early around 6:30, just at home and logged in work at 07:46 AM .. Today’s my last day at the Hxxx, first half finished all work and then messaged a few friends on Teams saying bye. Everybody came positive.

08:50 I got ready and went to the gym, did upper body workouts 4 x sets of 8 reps Dumbell shoulder press, 4 x Dumbell lateral raises, 4 x Rear delt flyes, 4 x Dumbell front raise, 4 x sets of pullups, 4 sets of Shoulders on the machine, 4 x sets of Abs on the machine on my out was home by 09:36 AM. When I was doing shoulder press, I suddenly found myself in the here and now.

Jumped in a quick shower, then offered 2 Rakaths Farj Namaz, read Surah Yasin, and then started listening to Bloomberg just yet 10:00 AM already came and it was the last team huddle day. The huddle meeting went well. I said thanks and goodbye to everybody.

I had a few actions to finish the rest of the morning.. work friend Sxxxx phoned to congratulate and wish best around 11:30 we spoke for about 7 minutes. Around 12:40 I found myself again in the here and now and I found myself jumping at that time. From 12:15 to 13:00 I had booked a Burn it class, so I got ready and ran for it. Another good workout.

Got home 13:06 had a shower and offered Zohr Salah, and then ate lunch and sat back at the desk. Still finishing work. 15:15 last action to distribute bundle given to me. I blessed that person whose hearing is in a few days. Hope it works out for him.

15:55 I got ready and went into the office to drop off my laptop. Met a few pals around there and then went to IT and dropped of laptop and walked back home around 16:25 It was so hot as soon as i got home, I left the window open and had all clothes off and lay on the bed.

16:40 I found myself on the phone so decided to have a wank and took a nap for 30 minutes and WhatsApp was going grr.. grr.. grrr.. gurr… my sleep disappeared, I checked the phone it was 18:25 and my mother and sister chatting something on there and then messaging good luck for tomorrow and there were so many messages and I got up from the nap. I thanked them and then got ready and went running.

Ran from Oval to Vauxhall bridge, then Lambeth bridge and then Westminster bridge, there were many people on the bridge and then outside.

It’s a heatwave in England and Russia still invading Ukraine 20 civilians were hit by a Russian missile strike today.

3 things I felt grateful for today

  • Grateful for this book I’m listening to now.
  • Grateful for the sleep which is coming.
  • Gratefuel for the water existing in on earth. I feel so thirsty today.

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times stronger, happier, richer and be the best day to be in a long days to come and be a relaxed and relaxed and relaxed yet productive day tomorrow? and all negative patterns please get deleted! Good night, goodluck, AshΒ