π 630 – Thu 17 Feb 23:55 2022
Woke up early, did not look at the time, was feeling good. It was still dark so I know I’m up early was good. ate a can of tuna, mediated 15 min and then sat on my desk working for prbly next 2 hours not stopping. My peak motivation time got a lot work done.
then got ready and went to gym I think it was around 10:30 am then. Had a really really really really good workout.
Did upper body, all 4 sets x 8 reps of Pull ups, then 4 x Dumbell bench press, 4 x standing cable flys low to high, 4 x Incline bench press, 4 x Dumbell lateral raise, then 4 x should press on the machine, then 4 sets of Abs on the machine on my way out. was feeling so good. People were a bit more friendly during the day.
Got home, ate lunch chicken and sat on my desk again for some more time, was finishing some work and then got ready and 4:30 I went to Marble arch, I thought I had a shift today and went all the way there from Oval and I was not scheduled to be there.
Wonder what was the reason that I was sent all the way there and back home.
I went from here, I took the Oval Tube, I was reading a book all the way in the tube, on my way back, I thought I would make a memory so I walked into an Arab restaurant when I saw some samosa’s in the window and I got some and some Baklawa’s too. and this litter girl was also servicing the restaurant on the till, I said, I’m gonna have party with these Baklaw’s tonight and she said, I hope your’re party goes well. I thought she was smart, probably like 5 year old..
Thne on my way back, a mother and 3 kids got in the Tube and I had offer my seat to the little boy to sit down, they were all happy and then the mother was opening her bag and she gave a piece of chocolate or something small to all of them individually and each, slowly tear it open and remove mask and put it in their mouth as adults eat chewing gum, but that looked sweet.. they were all sweet. That kinda made me miss my mother and when I saw that mother giving those to her kids and
then I got back home, as soon as I got back, I texted my mother saying, I have 3 weeks off in March and I will come home probably from 15th to begging of the April and she was so happy.
17:30 around that time I found myself on my desk again working for a bit and I took a nap at 18:45 for 15 min and then got ready and went to Swim.. Vauxhall leisure centre, Had a really really really really good swim session. the intermediate late was busy and I found only one guy in the slow lane I jumped and just did 10 rows of legs only. I was feeling so good.
Got home, made dinner, Beef, rice and vegetables and ate ate watching Netflix.
I do not know what the purpose of my day but at one point I found myself saying, no I don’t to live, take me from here.. When I got to Marble arch part time work I forgot and I though I had a shift, instead of being humble and saying, oh I don’t have a shift, I said, oh I don’t have a shift, that’s perfect. and then I felt guilty for saying to that guy. He asked me if I’m working any shift next week, I said I’m off next week, he said, going somewhere nice, I said, seeing some friends up North, the truth was when I was just taking off to do some work down staying home. then I felt guilty and said, ugh, I neither want these lessons, nor I want to lie, nor I want any of these experiences, nor I asked for any of these pain and suffering.. Why couldn’t it be have not been existed at all.
So there go.. as they say No Thing.. No where and No time..
3 things I felt grateful for today
- Swim, felt very grateful during swim thinking.. Oh I’m swimming so how wonderful.
- Grateful I felt, when I realized in tube the train, oh it seems I’m a human and I’m sitting here in all these people. Oh God. and prayed Surah Fatima straight and thought of Mother and Father.
- Feeling so good and grateful that I’m going bed now.
What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times stronger, happier, richer tomorrow and have a relaxing yet productive weekend from tomorrow?
Good Night, Goodluck.
Putin move your troops back!