π 511 – Thu 5 Aug 23:42 2021
Woke up early around 6 AM to Dad’s WhatsApp message that his pension has increased. He was very happy and celebrating it.. I went to the kitchen ate a can of Tuna sat down to meditate for 15 min.. in the middle of the meditation Dad phoned.. I wasn’t mad. I spoke normally but with a sleepy tone.. I said it’s 7:30 AM for me I was going to log in. He asked if I had a tea or any breakfast I said no, not yet.. finished speaking to him then finished meditating then logged in to work and checked everything needs to be done, and then quickly went to the gym..
Did only 3 x sets of pull-ups and then a dip on the machine and then shoulders on the machine and quick abs. Got home nice and easy, had some breakfast.
The rest of the morning work went smooth. Had been reading and redacting a lot of pages. Lunchtime 13:30 swim slot booked at the Vauxhall leisure center did this and that and by the time I left home it was 13:30 got here 13:40 around stayed only in the water swimming for 15 min or even less.. should be more organized but glad I had made it. 14:00 there should be a work meeting so I rushed out of the water but it didn’t happen.
16:30 I logged off work.. took a 30 min nice nap. Got ready for a run, Sommerset and Surrey had been playing in the ground next door. I was gonna leave home it started raining. All the people from the ground ran away and were standing under the newly build grounds with big wings. Rest of the evening I did pushups at home.. around 8:30 made dinner, lamb, beef, tomato, eggs, onions,. ate them watching Netflix Bay Area, Anthony Bourdain’s episode.
3 things I’m grateful for today –
- for energy to do many activities.
- for dads pay to increase.
- for all the good news to slowly come back.
What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times energetic, active, healthier, happier and def. richer tomorrow and have a productive yet very easy smooth and relaxing day filled with joy..
Good Night good luck,. Ash!

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