π 505 – Thu 29 Jul 2021 08:46
Woke up 7:50.. looked at my phone but avoiding looking at the time but there was brothers whataspp message and i swiphed the phone from the top and I saw the time. I was planning not to look at the time today. Brother in saudi said he’s was sleeping last night and will phone me later today for his missed call to me yesterday I asked him what he was doing so responded after I slept..
Googled how to get rid of clock or the time from the Iphone there is not a lot of information about that, I still need to figure out how to get rid of the time.. you can click on the clock icon for few seconds and delete it but once you reboot the phone the icon comes back again.
Just finished eating a can of Tuna.. going to meditate now for 15 min on changing beliefs mediation. Earlier not long ago, I already once a few min of negative complaining thoughts and feelings came and went. Few min towards parents and then towards my flatmate..
Hello, Brain, I’m watching you!! (Owl eyes).
I have Through the eyes of the truth book on audible headphones on, now Im going to be switching on meditation.. see you.
Meditation just finished, few min in I realised I was thinking about the corner room in my flat when my flatmate moves out next month, I will move the furniture accordingly getting ready for parents arrival. I realised and I started counting my breathing in and breathing ou.. breath in and breath out.. breath in and breath out.. so that I don’t mind doesn’t wander. I think for few min it stayed.
Meditiaton finished, I pickup my phone, changed the audio from meditation to the Through the eyes of truth book, and then opened the Insta, earlier, just before going into the meditation, I saw Sun outside window being beautiful and bright just about the cricket ground next to me and I wanted to wish Moin x to the audience on insta and twitter.. they are growing, growing, growing and growing these days,, . so I wanted to check if there was anybody up and the pic and all looks decent and it seems all good.. it already became 09:17 Am..
I’m going to eat the last night water soaked chickpeas and then go for run.. see you!
I have just come back from run.. my mind is wandering.. I didn’t look at the time. I was gonna go Vauxhall bridge, lambeth bridge and Westminster bidge.. on Lambeth bridge I was thinking something and I realised it after I got to Albert embankment I realised i didn’t cross to go to Westnimster brige but turned towards Vauxhall back.. This is physical body memory. The body remembers your regular pattern. Including your habits at certain times checking your facebook apps.
The Cricketers are playing in front of me in the window practing. the postman just dropped something inside the door. I’m gonna go and have a breakfast and then phone maybe mother or someone else messaged.. left am is looking big.. the muscle feels growing as I just come back form the jog.
11:12 looked a the time.. Aw! Cooking a Steak.. listening to Leonardo da Vinci book on audible.. finished eating the Steak and posted a story on Instagram as I’m sitting on my desk on my laptop.. then being on the phone trying the update pics and felt a little anxious and so felt like having a quick wank.. did it. lol
12:10 family group chat had no message I sent a frog looking with big eyes emoji.
13:18 picked up the letter post man dropped at the main door and opened it. It’s from Lambeth council saying to respond so we can check who is eligible to register to vote in the flat. I have confirm them it’s just myself.
13:22 exactly now, probably gonna take a 10 min nap and see if there are any swimming slots available. .
I said, Hey Siri, set an alarm in 15 min and I slept for 15 min sharp alarm went off.. Woke up I was feeling very good. I asked body body should I go to swim.. I felt the answer yes.. you have been home, you took a nap and both your upper and lower body feels good.. let’s go.
I booked a slot at 14:30 at the vauxhall leisure centre and got there nice and easy.. Not a lot of people in the swim, in my lane I was the only one. usually 3 and before covid there was no limit.. lol 14:50 Dad messaged on the family group responding to my frog.. Walakum assalam beta with a emoji with laughing with tears coming out of eyes and a emoji or a candy. I love you pappa..
I looked the time while I was in the water and it was 15:08.. I can stay a bit long.. I did front crawl, breastrokes and backstroke, I wish I get back to the butterfly’s too. Left water around 15:25.. quick showered and got home.. offered the Zuhar payer 4 rakath of the Namaz..
Peeled a potato and made potato weggies in olive oil and opened a tin of Lentils. Potatos cooked so well I just ate them didn’t feel like lentils.
Chilled a little bit.
16:59 went downstairs and sat on the borris bikes waiting for my driver friend Nxxxx we were gonna go driving in his car. He picked me up from home 17:07 something. I was waiting. The weather is nice outside. We went towards Vauxhall then Putney bridge and then Hammersmith and all that side the other side of the river. Lot of people were outside, parks seems busy, weather is good so all beautiful faces..
my mate dropped me around Stockwel station,. I said I need to go to the supermarket. The sainsbury’s next to the Stockwell station, I went in. got rice, tomatos, soya milk, and cookies got them and walked back home and now the time exactly is.. 20:32.. my lamb chops are cooking and I will be eating them with the rice, tomoatos and lettuce..
Earlier ate dinner watching Netflix Anthony bourdains Georgia episode. it’s 22:31 now and i hear the traffic outside sounds like the waves.. I have mirrors on both the walls of my room, I looked into my eyes and said who are you? what do you want? why did you come here? My hair is getting long and curly. I sat on bed and I went on youtube to watch something and then got carried away for some time.
23:45 sharp I just went in the kitchen and I had bought in the Soy milk from the super market earlier poured in a glass walked back to my room shut the door behind and lifted the glass of milk above my head looked up made sure it’s not wanky and drop milk on my head.. I started turning round and round and round and round.. thank you! thank you! thank you! for this wonderful day. I don’t know what I was supposed to do today but I hope I have fulfilled what I have come for today! I’m sorry please forive me I love you thank you so much!
3 things I’m grateful for today
- for my parents
- for the glass of milk in my hand
- for this comfortable bed I’m sitting on.
What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times stronger, energetic, happier and richer tomorrow.. ? Night x Ash! 23:58