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🌈 480 – Wed 23 Jun 23:57 2021


Today was the ultimate challenge day for me. Nothing stops you from achieving whatever you are after. Nothing. Except for your mind.

2nd time in my human existence today I have managed to do 3 workouts in my day.. It’s close to midnight now and I feel very very very energetic. I’m gonna go to bed soon but it’s nice to be up still but also nice to be looking forward to going to bed soon..

Woke up early, Sun was coming inside the window. It was a beautiful beautiful day today 23 degrees.. but grey and dark clouds but still Sun was out quiet a bit makes green looks so green.. I just got carried away looking at the flat.. probably lost 30 min..

Went to gym before work. Just wanted to go for routine. I like being active when I start work, in the morning gym makes me feel really good. I only did 4 x sets of pull ups and a set of hands dips pushups and then a set of Shoulders and a set of Abs on the machine.. 30 min.

Logged in work sharp.. Work was cool.. I was able to exhibit everything I wanted to convey in the meeting in the morning so felt good the rest of the day was cool work went smooth. Lunch time.. 13:10 I book swim in Vauxhall leisure center.. I got there like 13:20.. took my lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00..

13:20 went to swim, this girl was there in the reception she used to my instructor I said I missed her in the lockdown she gained a bit.. I asked her when are the lessons starting she said soon maybe after UK gov allows I will let you know she said.. I said, I can’t wait.. I jumped laughing..

Got home around 14:04, logged back to work. working from home. finished work around 4:30 pm but stayed overtime for an extra hour doing work. thne around 18:00 I took a nap listhen to guided hypnosis of letting go on Youtube. woke up around 18:35 whatever and got ready and around 19:00 it’s still so bright next to my flat in the Oval cricket ground the match was playing so the lights were also on and lot of commotions downstairs people walking around on th main road it felt so live.. and after waking up I felt so active and alert and so I got ready and went for Run..

You can do anything you want, but just because you can, does it mean you should? Be clear on what you want. Set goals. Focus. And obsess on execution.

Went running around the river, from by Oval cricket ground to Vauxhall bridge then by Tate Britain over Lameth bridge by Albert embankment I got home around 19:35.. until 20:00 I sat outside in the balcony after I got home Cricket was playing next to me.

Don’t compare. Run your race against yourself at your own pace.

3 x thing I’m grateful for today .

  • for my bed I will be sleeping soon.
  • for the singer who sung the song – Do you think you’re better off alone? was just on the radio and sounded good.
  • for cameras..

what would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times stronger, healthier and happier tomorrow and go to gym in the morning and then have a relaxing yet productive day at work and then other work and the rest of the day and all negative patters blocking that to happened please get delete now!

Night! Sleep tight.