🌈 421 – Finally Zero

Mon 29 Mar 23:56 2021


Woke up 7:10.. the Sun was out. It was bright and beautiful outside, quickly ate some nuts and went for a run.

logged in work sharp. Monday! was a good day pleasant.. the meeting went smooth and then around 11 am mate Jxxx had messaged, 12:45 RVT? I said sure.. 12:45 pm Royal Vauxhall Tavern? Until 12:37 I had to work then quickly got ready and went for RVT.. I left the building and I saw Dxxxx my friend the cleaner from work, I saw her a few months away in the lockdown when I went in, she said, she’s waiting for the older one to go to Uni and move out soon. I thought It was funny. I gave her a goodbye hug and quickly ran to RVT..

My mate was already there waiting. late! late! showing me the time.. we laughed and started walking.. I didn’t tell him I had gone the same path a few hours ago running. We walked over Albert Embankment, then under the Lambeth bridge by Archbishop Castle, by Westminster Bridge next the St Thomas’s they were putting all hearts on the walls as National Covid Memorial Wall. On this huge wall next to the river attaching St Thomas’s and opposite Westminster Palace on this wall there were like so many people, long way stretch, I think they were just using markers and drawing love hearts on the wall. It was so beautiful was a little emotional actually.

Got home back at the desk before 2.. logged off work nice and easy around 4:15..

Took a nap 15 min and then again 20 min.. Went to the kitchen around 18:00, the Sun was just on my face from kitchen window was so beautiful. It’s beautiful because we don’t see Sun here that often it’s usually cold, grey dark and raining.. today was really sunny to be honest and from today you are allowed the rule of six outdoors party. So you can meet up to 6 people outside.. yay!

But all overseas holidays are banned under UK las form today as new legislation comes into force, with those traveling abroad without a reasonable excuse facing fines up to Β£5000. My mother had asked me to come home for Ramadhan never mind well done guys today London records zero Covid deaths in six months! PARTY PARTY PARTY! Congratulations guys! we finally made it!

Don’t ever lose hope for a better future. You can lose everything but as long as you have hope, and you act on it, you can succeed.

People, you came into this world with your love, and it is the only thing you take with you.

3 things I’m grateful for today

  • for parents
  • for work
  • for energy got run and type

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 times energetic active happier and richer tomorrow and all patterns in mind blocking that happening please get deleted now! night.. Ash

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Ash Khaleem

Published by
Ash Khaleem