Mon 09 Nov 23:51 2020 


Woke up 6:30.. I remembered doing something at work in the weekend.. Was waiting for Monday and login. so logged in so early finished it and went for run.. Albert Embankment, Lambeth bridge, Westminster bridge.. and back home over Vauxhall bridge. 

In the weekend, there were many security wall barriers around the parliament, and there were a lot of people.. I think there was something going on.. I had to walk for a little bit. there was a lot of people around there.. today mother was telling in the news back in the country about England is something in regards to people doing demo anti-lockdown or something like that. People! Stop being annoying shut your mouths and stay home! 

Anyway, logged in work sharp around 8.12.. work was cool.. monday flew like that.. spoke to mother after work.. first half was a bit angry and annoyed mood during the day and in afternoon took a nap in the lunch time and rest of the day mood was funny. 

Around mid day got an email saying your book is published and kindle version and paperback is now available on Amazon. made me so happy and one project down..! 

Next one on the list is to clear all the clutter accumulated researching and finishing that project first than move onto next one asap.. “What would it take for all the clutter, unnecessary and unwanted stuff to be cleared of my desktop immediately”..

3 things grateful for today 

– for water

– for the sleep 

– my headphones 

what would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 times looking stronger activer happier and richer tomorrow.. 

Night.. Ash

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The pic above 1. Archbishops Castle 2. Lambeth bridge 3. Lambeth Peir 

Ash Khaleem