Saturday 11 July 12:07 2020


Woke up 6:30.. Sun was in my room.. It was so beautiful. I pulled the curtains.. then posted a good morning post on Instagram, then sat and meditated for 20 min on Joe Dispenza’s changing beliefs. then logged in to work, but had a message from my mate Jei from Elephant and Castle, I chatted to him for a little bit, then got ready and went for a run.. It hadn’t been 24 hours that I went for my last run however, the run was really good.. was excellent… 

From Oval, I ran over the Vauxhall bridge, above Lambeth bridge then take the turn over Westminster bridge back home to Vauxhall. No people and the Sun was out.. A few barriers in front of the Parlament but it was alright.. Nothing annoying. I did see a few Chinese and teen young-looking people in front of the parliament, holding some banners.. I give them my blessings but sorry, I am not reading any of those..  

Got home, made some lunch.. Had been waiting for parents to say something, they went to see a girl for brother.. 

Around 5:30, again went back the same way walking back to Soho.. first time in 4 months since the quarantine.. last weekend was the first weekend that they opened all the pubs and clubs from the closedown. I wanted to see how it was. there were all tables in the streets of London. Soho was full of tables and people sitting outside. It was so beautiful. Wonder how it will be when it is winter. but for now. It was so beautiful. 

I walked around Soho square.. next time when I go I should get some food then go to Soho square and sit and their and eat would have been a good idea. Lot of people were doing that.. but I was too full to eat today. 

got home walking over Embankment bridge, back walking all the bridges.. and got home. .picked up som chicken and burgers from the chicken shop in Vauxhall for me and for my flatmate ben, ate watching Friends with Money on Netflix, I got hooked to it straight away and watched it in one go 1 and a half hour.. Then had a wank.. around 10 pm spoke to brother… we laughed so much. 

Then I was chatting to my mate Chris, who’s going to Columbia road market tomorrow to buy plants in Shorditch.. I might go too but I am not too sure. 

3 things I am grateful for 

– for energy 

– for all rivers on the planet

– for money

01:50 am – 1 wish of the day – what would it take for me and for you to wake up 1000 times stronger, smarter and younger and everything in the way of that happening, please get deleted across mind time dimensions space and reality.. 

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See you next time 



Ash Khaleem