🌈 1106 – Friday 08 December 2023 23:38

Friday 08 December 2023

Woke up early, slept well, cold, wet and grey outside.. sat at the edge of the bed, meditated 8 min, affirmations only, said GM to the family group, the time was around 08:20 started tidying up the room, hoovered, all surfaces wiped, glasses done.. all done and it took an hour and half, 09:40 already then..Β 

Went downstairs, cut a dried plant by the front door, brought it upstairs to 1st floor kitchen Laurels, Stockwell, went up to the room, last years, calendar, had this wire spring on it’s top, cut that off, back to the kitchen and put the stove on, put chicken on, while that I cooked, made a Throne with the spines,, got up, checked the clothes to wear later tonight, sat and meditated a few more minutes practicing the routine, left home, 11:50, got the bike out, raining, rode up to Clapham, Inferno, 12:15 to 13:45, rehearsals, positioning routine, 14:30, mate Gareth and I went across the road to the Sainbury’s and gotΒ  a sandwich each, sat back up on the 2nd floor Inferno, and then practiced more and even more, 2:45 to 3:45 with the generals, and Vogue.. left the place 17:30 got home, changed, went to the kitchen thank God Alecia was there, she put some colour on my forehead, black on lips, crown on forehead and Sarah did the lip tight, left home, got back to the Inferno at 18:00, show started, went great, did the routines of Vogue, general, Alexis, Greece.. after the show, mate Gareth, and I went to eat next door to McDee and got quarter pounders, chipc, 2 x apple pies and then Adam and Ross joined in and we all sat together, to eat, went back, I gave the extra apple pie to Eddy, he was so happy… we hung in there for a few hours until 23:34 and then left, got home chilled for a bit and now sitting down to write..Β 

Around the world todayΒ 

3 things I felt grateful for todayΒ 

– Grateful to be part of a group and a team doing something together.Β 

– Grateful, this afternoon rained but I didn’t get wet.Β 

– Grateful my first ever show went so well.Β 

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times bigger thicker, richer, happier, more energetic , confident, active, everything to be just fine, do workout before work and get to work on time, everything to be fine, the meeting to go well and then have a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing yet a productive day tomorrow and all negative patterns, please get removed..

Goodnight, and goodluck.



Ash Khaleem