🌈 985 – Fri 23 Jun 23:46 2023

We are about as happy as we make up our minds to be.

🌈 985 – Fri 23 Jun 23:46 2023


Jumma Jumma deede… Jumma Jumma lele lele..

It was Jumma today, Jumma means Friday. Growing up it reminds me of the rush in the afternoon around midday everybody starts to shower, including brother, and sister, I then clean white clothes and ironed pressed. Around 13:15 we’d go to Masjid a noor, offer 4 rakaths of Sunnah, then the Khudbaa sharts at 13:20 by Hajiz Khaleel, Dad’s head only looks down the floor in the masjid, brother and I look around who has come and who’s wearing what.. followed by then 2 rakaths of Farz, then we three walk back home, Dad would give me his little finger to hold and walk.

We get home around 2 pm, Deedi sister offering Salah at that time and Mother drying her hair usually, then she says I will get the food out in few and she offers her Jumma Salah quickly while Deedli lies down the Dastar long think Shatranji sheet on the floor in the hall with red Dastarkhaan. It’s usually Daal for Jumma lunch time with Tala hua Gosh, we all then sit together, and Mother sits on the chowki and we have our lunch.

Routines are good for you. Just remember to change your routines every few weeks and the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much and forgetting that you are special too.

Things changed, we all grew up, and moved out.. the home was left, Dad and mother eats Dal at home, Deedi with her 2 kids, and Bhaia tries to make daal in his country while his wife is away expecting, and alone I eat whenever I feel like.


Woke up early, on the last day of the work week a lot of things to finish, but still want to make to the gym before loggin on, got the gym 08:20, had a really really really really really good workout unanticipated.. Did 5 sets of 8 reps of Pull ups, then 5 sets of 60 kgs flat bench barbell press, 5 x sets of Decline bench dumbell press, 5 sets of shoulder press, 5 sets anther shoulder presses on the machine and Abs machine was busy so just left, back home..

Logged in, worked on the agenda for a meeting next week, then some reports, then some spreadsheets the afternoon is already here.. 12:45 jumped in the shower.. wore blue loose tracksuit bottoms, a blue full sleeve t-shirt, went to offer Jumma at the Al nagashi Wandsworth road, on my way back went to the butchers, home.. sat back at the desk working, did Audits, late in the afternoon applied for the visa for KSA Bhaia brothers been asking to come home for Eid next week, applied and its approved and got it in an hour.. then logged off around 18:00 so hot, and stuffy in the room left the window open, it’s probably around 30 degrees in London currently… 18:30 took a nap until 19:45.. went downstairs made Chapati and Imil aur gosh ka saalan, a Doc flatmate came around were catching up while I cooked.. I left him chapatis and some meat for supper and I came to ate in front of the TV, watched Knives out and Arrivals on netfix back to back in bed the Friday was past..

Around the world – Russia still invading Ukraine, Russian forces are a bit retreating in Ukraine’s east and south regionsΒ after suffering high casualties. Troops in Kherson and Zaporzhzhia are dying or leaving wounded.

Elsewhere, there was some about 5 rich folks paid about $120,000 each to go and see the sunk Titanic ship in Submarine that went missing a few days ago, today was the last day estimate for Oxygen to end and they finally found the debris and apparently nobody on that submarine made it back alive. A lot of money already been spent on the rescue parties on top of that. Shame on you people who spend money on those things.. and shame on you people who lets others to spend money such when there are starving people and starving countries.. sorry for your lose but it’s time to open your eyes!

3 things I felt grateful for today

  • Grateful for the weather, it’s hot but it’s not a byting cold.
  • Grateful for parents, spoke to both of them this morning.. Dad didn’t answer to Assalam alaikum at the end of the call, made me upset for few min after the call but life goes on..
  • Graeful for my little friend Lisa, we’re going to catch up tomorrow. x

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times, bigger, thicker, stronger, more energitic, happier, richer, and have a good workout in the morning and then have a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing, yet a productive day tomorrow and all negative patterns please get removed.. goodnight, goodluck! Ash


Ash Khaleem

Published by
Ash Khaleem