🌈 958 – Thu 4 May 23:50 2023

🌈 958 – Thu 4 May 23:50 2023Β 


Woke up to the Cock screaming downstairs Cookoor Coo coo.. Cookor Coo Cooo.. every 20 seconds! Couldn’t go back to sleep and stayed in bed on the phone checking WhatsApp messages, then a nap and got off the bed at 08:20.. Mothers made Khichadi breakfast..

Khichadi is made of rice and lentils, put oil in a cooking dish, and add cut onion, ginger, and garlic paste, when the onions are red, add water 2 glasses of and then add Rice 2 glasses of and half a glass of Red lentils and then add a tablespoon of salt depending on the way the rice is liked to be cooked.. To go with it is, Tamarind soup. Soak Tamarind in water for 20 min, and squeeze the juice out.. put a small dish on the stove, add oil a few teaspoons of, then add Cumin and mustard seeds and when the oil is hot, add the squeezed Tamarind soup to the heated oil then.. turn the stove off.. cut onion small pieces raw and mix with it… another thing to go with it, cut the onion into very small tiny pieces, put it in a bowl, then add Chilli powder, ginger, garlic, salt, and add 2 or 3 eggs and mix it well and add oil heat it and add this mixture to make an omelet.. Eat Khichadi (rice), Tamarind soup, and eggs.. Yum!

Around 10:45 Dad said let’s go for a ride, left home, drove around LB Nagar, and back to Uppal, on our way back went to Butchers and bought 2 kgs of Mutton.. back home, Mother want to make meet Kabab. (Sun-dried). How do you sun dry meat?

Cut meat into small long strips, 2 kgs meat – Add about 4 tablespoons of Chilli powder, or less about 3 big spoons of salt, a few spoons of Oil, 1 spoon of Turmeric or not, 3 spoons of Ginger and garlic paste.. mix all together with meat, take a long rope, tie on the top, put meat and fold the rope, then put another piece of meat and fold the rope until the meat is finished.. dry the meat under the Sun for a couple of days.

Ate lunch at 13:45, Gosh ka meetha saalan, Muttan curry, and rice, and then at 14:30 left home to go to Dee Mart shopping mall at Amberpet with mother, I drove, heavy traffic and 35 degrees heat… got there nice and easily and did some shopping and then got home around 16:30 offered Asar and then took a nap then 18:30 got ready to go meet a friend for 12 years ago, wanted to meet at Kachiguda temple, there was a match going on in Uppal cricket ground, heavy traffic, supposed to get there at 19:30 but got there at 20:00 sharp met mate Chintu, we spoke and hung out then went to Kothi to Gookul chat to eat chat and bhajia.. was yum heavy rain that side of the Hyderabad, got back home at 23:45 ..

3 things I felt grateful for today

  • Grateful got back home safely, and went on the bike after a long time.
  • Grateful it was raining heavily but the evening went well.
  • So grateful the drive went well.

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times bigger, thicker, richer happier, everything to be just fine, have a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing, yet productive day tomorrow and all negative patterns, please get removed.. Goodnight, good luck! Ash

Marvin McKinney

Ash Khaleem

Published by
Ash Khaleem