🌈 887 – Tue 14 Feb 22:53 2023

Divi Builder

Manage Everything On A Single Platform


Woke up early, light and bright outside window, birds were chirping, mild did not feel cold, 6:30 AM there was message from R*****, before 4:30 Happy Valentines day, have blessed life. I messaged back, I wish you the same. On insta same message from S******, I wrote back, Happy St Valentine’s sweetheart, always love you xx.. got up the bed, hands on the floor did 8 push ups, health, beauty, wealth, success, confidence, testosterone, growth harmone, symmetry.. sat meditated 7 min You are the Placebo with the headphones, ate breakfast, Tuna chickpeas, did 8 more pushups, health, beauty, wealth, success, confidence, growth harmone and symmetry. Then ironed white plain shirt, and ate Rice and chicken, brushed teeth, was just about to jump in the shower and flatmate fuker went in… washed hair in the kitchen sink, came into the room, fresh undewear, shocks, thermal, then light brown  single strip shine trousers, then sat ate drank the Wheat shake, and whiped and wore black formal shoes.. 

Intermissions ( going to get some cake) 

time was 08:17 by then after shoes, txted S***** Happy Valentines day S*****, xx got a msg back a bit later, Happ… ASH xx .. left home 08:40 bike by Vauxhall, past Tate, Lambeth bridge, Westminter bridge, St james park got to work sharp at 9:00 got in sat reading and getting ready – 10:30 went into a meeting, took minutes, a friend had asked, let’s go lunch there was funny energy form last time so I said, I don’t like someone paying for me so please don’t pay for me.. mates said, okay when we go ou I will then,LI want to thank you, I said maybe, he said not maybe I will.. I said sure maybe… at 12:00 ate lunch, chicken chicpeas, 12:21 Dads messaged a new name plate put on the wall back home, he sent a pic on the group, sat at the desk rest of the afternoon, left home 17:00 ..mild and bright outside, saw some guy carrying huge bunch of roses, back the same way, Lambeth bridge, Vauxhall bridge, stopped by the river went into the dentists, they phoned twice the night guard arrived come and pick up,  there is one for the above and one for below .. got home, ate Tuna, had a cuppa tea, 18:30 Slick casting sent a booking request for 21, 22 and 23rd Feb for Curveball, then the swim slot was booked for 18:50 got to Vauxhall leisure centre 19:05.. swimming swimming not a lot of people, swam at least 50 rows of front crawls… got home, ate chicken and rice. sitting and typing have to wake up early tomorrow for the mintues. 

around the world, Russia still invading Ukraine and

Important sensors and electronics parts are among the debris recovered from a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon shot down over the Atlantic earlier this month, according to the US military. “Crews have been able to recover significant debris from the site, including all of the priority sensor and electronics pieces identified as well as large sections of the structure,” the US Northern Command said in a statement. A US F-22 Raptor fighter jet shot it down off the coast of South Carolina on February 4, and teams have since been working to recover the debris for analysis.

China insists the balloon, which spent several days flying over North America, was an errant weather observation aircraft with no military purpose, but Washington says it was a sophisticated high-altitude spying vehicle that is part of a programme with global reach. It came as Beijing expanded on its earlier claim that the US has been flying its own spy balloons over Chinese airspace, accusing Washington on Tuesday of letting the devices drift over other countries. Meanwhile, US F-16 pilots have described seeing a mysterious “black shiny object with strings” during an assignment to shoot down an unidentified flying object.

Guys, please keep the peace! 

3 things I felt grateful for today 

– Felt so grateful was intending to get to work at 9 and go there sharp so was grateful. 

– grateful for have a good workout this eve at the swim, 

– grateful for sitting and typing something I will go to bed peacefully now 

what would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times bigger, thicker, leaner, more active, healthier and finish all the work doing minutes by mid day and then have the rest of the day for ourselves and still have relaxing, relaxing, relaxing yet a productive day tomorrow and then the rest of the week and all negative patterns, please get removed.. goodnight goodluck, Ash 


Ash Khaleem