🌈 862 – Sun 15 Jan 23:44 2023


🌈 862 - Sun 15 Jan 23:44 2023LondonWoke up, and felt happy it was Sunday don't have to get up.. stayed in bed. was feeling hzsry but the tissue was far, still stayed in bed. Looked grey outside, heard birds, and next door Italian slowing talking and making some noise.. I still stayed in bed, and was feeling good.. .Checked the phone, the time was at 8:55 and there were 5 messages on the family group chat, Dad sending pix of niece sitting on the new swing on the terrace... I still stayed in bed and was feeling good...Logged in to work at 10:10, and was going to send an email in this morning, sent said, hopefully, I captured everything in these minutes.. was feeling good. Slovak trainer friend Axxxxx had texted on Insta about the Landmark forum and she wants to give me a ticket for a day or something and asking me to join a last-day session, I said thank you, I appreciate your offer but I won't be giving my time to anyone rt. Went to the kitchen, ate breakfast Tuna and Chickpeas, came back to bed bedroom sat, and meditated for 16 min on Changing beliefs Joe Dispenze... was feeling so good still. Checked the weather it was 7 degrees, got ready and wore shorts, a T-shirt and long sleeve, shoes, monkey cap, left home when to run.. was feeling so good. Wandsworth Road, past Nine Elms, Vauxhall bridge, lot of people on the bridge crossing, doing this and that,.. turned towards Lambeth, past Tate Britain, towards Westminster,.. crossed the Parliament, too busy had to walk for a bit, Westminster bridge was packed.. the weather went mild by now and no rain and no Sun so people out and it's January freezing but was okay.. took the stairs down by the St Thomas's and Covid memorial wall... was still feeling good. Straight by Albert Embankment and the Cornice on the left and river and the boat restaurant on the right, past Park plaza towards Vauxhall, then had a walk by the bridge, bkz road was closed all people walking through the tunnel packed.. back to Nine elms towards Wandsworth road,..got home, heated spaghetti, and Tuna ate heavy watching Netflix.. was feeling good, stayed for an hour so resting.. Started feeling a strong sweet tooth, and also needed stuff for the next week., I know a little place around. Got ready wore blue tracksuits bottoms white strips on the sides and long sleeve white t-shirt, a backpack left home took the bike went straight to the gym, did 6 x sets of 8 reps of Health, Beauty, Wealth, Succes, Confidence, Testosterone, Growth hormone, affirmations Pullups.. was feeling so good. Also did 1 drop set of Shoulders on the bar + 4 sets of 8 reps of Abs press on the machine and left the gym in 7 min.. WAS FEELING SO GOOD.. Going past the little cake shop on Wandsworth road, the timing said, Sunday opening time until 6 pm... it was only 16:15 by then plenty of time, I better hurry. Went straight to the big Sainsburys' by Nine Elms, and bought stuff Apples, Pears, Banana, and Chatpara.. went past the cake shop and it was closed.. It said 7 pm, It can't be 7 pm already. but I didn't want to check the time, so stress.. was still feeling good.. not even a tiny winy inchy wincy way was glad tbh I said see it was the sign! Stopped at the butcher's on Wandsworth road Halal way and bought a meat when paying I saw some dates just under the counter big box, took it he said, might off take another one, took another one he said.. hmm.. I will only charge you half... It felt good. It's usually the opposite. I said thank you and left. Was feeling go good. I thought I should have said, Jazakallhu Khaira.. Homemade 2nd dinner, Tala hua Gosh, Kaaboli chane ke daal.. 17:15 texted mother, what they are upto and if Deedi and kids left home she said, they are staying over and all went to bed early.. I'm going too.. I said okay get rest, I have a probation meeting tomorrow, do dua.. she said, yes definitely.. and ate season 13 of RuPaul the episode just before finale one... ate a heavy dinner.. the laundry was done so tidied up and checked the clothes for tomorrow and ironed shirt put them all aside and then groomed the hair, brother started texting, he's going to bed we chatted for a few min and back to our things.. and then sat down to write before sleeping.. Nothing special happing in England, Covid is secretly still there and Russia's still invading Ukraine.. 3 things I felt grateful for today Grateful for a long but an easy day Grateful for the food got cooked well today Grateful for the advancement of transgender rights in society. What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times thicker, bigger leaner, stronger, richer, and happier and then wake up early, be sharp, get to work on time, the day to be good, everything to be fine and easy filled with love, laughter, gratitude and then have a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing yet a productive day and then the rest of the week and all negative patterns causing any blocks please get deleted now. Goodnight, good luck.. Ash .
Ash Khaleem

Published by
Ash Khaleem