๐ŸŒˆ 859 – Thu 12 Jan 23:42 2022

Your safest bet is betting on yourself! so write something daily!

๐ŸŒˆ 859 - Thu 12 Jan 23:42 2022LondonKhana garam hoo raha hai, doosre baar khane wala hoon abhi.. sade chaar baje khaya tha.. use baad abhi fir.. Woke up early.. snoozed the alarm many times. Dark, grey, cloudy, grim, rain, and thunderstormy wind outside from the window. The two huge Trees outside with no leaves added to the scenery, didn't want to get off the bed but had to go pee and went straight back inside the duvet.. I wish I had owned my own time.. had to set the alarm for another 30 min and slept.. God knows where time has gone alarm went off and had to get up... legs on tbe bed and hands on the floor counting, Health, Beauty, Wealth, Success, Confidence, Testosterone, Growth Hormone, and Symmetry did 8 x Inline push-ups for the upper chest.. If you want the part above your nipples to grow do Inclines.. Push-ups or lie-on bench dumbells or barbells with the top of the bench slightly lifted are inclines. Ate breakfast, Tuna, and Chickpeas meditated for about 6 min then sat at the desk and logged in to work. Wfh today, the day went smoothly.. emails first, then caught up with the yammer updates, had a call with IT, then did the minutes rest of the day... did not move from the desk until 16:45. was feeling hungry, Made Daal, Chawal, and Anda and ate around 17:30.. felt so full... did this and that until 19:00 no Sun today, changed clothes to long white full sleeve t-shirt and navy blue tracksuits bottoms with stripes on the sides, a long yellow hoodie and did not want the day to go without a workout, therefore, dragged my body to the gym and did 4 x sets of 8 reps of Pull-ups and this guy came and asked if he could join the pull-up bars.. I said yes and he was using a chain and weights to pull himself up. After my one set, he went to do it, when he finished I said well done and I clapped and he started yapping.. he said he started with 5 kgs and now he's doing pull-ups with 25 kgs.. I said that is a good man. I've never tried weights with pull-ups and he asked If I wanted to try and I said Yes.. he helped me put the chain around my waist and did 2 sets of 5 reps of pulls up and dips pulling 10 kgs up.. My hands, Arms, and Shoulders felt so pumped up straight away, I felt so glad for not skipping the gym today... then did 5 sets of 8 reps of drop sets of Shoulders Press on the machine and then 4 sets of Abs press on the machine and left in about 30 min. Was feeling very very very very good.. Went to the Tesco's next door, had already eaten but was feeling peckish so went in.. ad I got a call at 22:03 it was time, and brother phoned.. I said oh, you're phoning me this late, it was 00:03 for min in Riyadh.. he said I slept after work so now I'm gonna up for some time and I'm off tomorrow so I don't need to sleep and we spoke for the next 2 hours catching up.. 3 things I felt grateful for today grateful for having a good workout. Grateful for the call from the brother and for having a catch-up Grateful didn't have to go in but wfh was goodGrateful sleep is coming and can go to bed now easily.. What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times bigger, thicker, stronger, leaner, more active, and happier and then have relaxing, relaxing, relaxing yet a productive day Friday tomorrow and then the rest of the weekend and all negative patterns please get removed.. good night good luck. Ash! In the news, Covid is spreading again, people are starting to wear masks again and there was a Cyberattack on Royal mail yesterday they found out today it was linked with Russia and threatening to leak all confidential data...
Ash Khaleem