Categories: Archive

🌈 84 – O2 and H2O


Monday 15 April 2019

A friend had advised me to add Custom Affinity and In-Market audience into my google ads campaigns.. Yesterday I created a new campaign with intent based keywords.. as soon as I got home from work, I had rung google for some corrections in the campaign. 

It’s still learning there is no movement yet.. 

Audience – Audiences are the combination of attributes that are meaningful to our business. whats directly relevant to us, who do you think will resonate to you and your business. 

example audience are business professionals, social media enthusiasts, job searchers etc. 

3 x things I am grateful for today 

– I am grateful for the oxygen O2 I have been breathing all day today 

– I am grateful for all the H2O I consumed all day today

– I am grateful for whoever that dude who invented the cotton ear buds. 

3 x happy moments of my day 

– was happy and laughed a few times when I was at mates this evening.. 

– was happy and enjoyed the walk back home listening to Jason Mcdonalds Social Media Marketing audiobook. 

– felt happy when I ate.. 

3 x things I need to do next that will take me a step closer to my goal.. 

– Ring goolge ads

– Complete Christi’s training. 

– prepare for new script. 

*********************************************************************************************************************************  The Only Thing That I Want To Introduce You To, Is The Educational System Below! With Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Most of 9-5 Lifestyles Will Become Laptop Lifestyles. It Will Be A Laptop Future.. The Quicker You Build Your Presence Online, The Successful Your Future Will Be.. Your Free Video Workshop To Understand How Digital Economy Works Click Here! 

Ash Khaleem   My YouTube, My Website,  Free Online Education For You ***************************************************************************************************************************

If you’ve been watching the Workshop Series over the past few days or so, then I hope you have much more of an idea of:

– The vast opportunities available to us all Online.
– What’s involved when starting an Online Business.
– The type of Mindset and Expectations required to succeed!
– The different paths available to you (Ecommerce or Amazon’s Imports Exports  & Affiliate Marketing are the best options if “Choice” and “Freedom” – Time, Financial and Geographical – are your Goals)

In case you missed any of the videos, you can watch them all from right here.

But if you’ve watched them already, then at this point you have 2 main choices available. They are:

Do nothing at all with this knowledge that you’ve gained and don’t make any changes in your life. Stay in your current career, continue trading time for money, don’t create a different future for yourself.

Get started. Make a different decision today than you made yesterday, gather more information and contemplate and begin your journey towards a new, better future.
Remember you have one choice to make, to take a chance if you want to see anything change. Unless you see something for yourself and experience, you’ll never know whether it’s right for you.

Here’s the Introduction to the SFM Dashboard Training I did.. 

To a better life,

Ash 😉


**This is a genuine Business Tools & Training opportunity so no false promises – You’ll get our weekly newsletter with a Small Article to support you with your Mindset & Your Knowledge in the Business World. Individual results will vary depending on the effort you put in. Also, please see the full Disclaimers In Earnings and Privacy Policy at the bottom of this page.

This website endorses Six Figure Mentors (SFM). Although we do not operate on a “pay per click” compensation, should you create a profile and purchase any SFM educational products, we will receive a percentage of the sale for the referral.

By clicking any affiliate links on this website you will not pay any more than if you were to purchase directly.

Ash Khaleem