🌈 723 – Fri 8 Jul 23:47 2022

Most things fail because they never start.

🌈 723 – Fri 8 Jul 23:47 2022


Woke up early.. 6:45 I felt like someone was waking me up. reminding me to get up, get up and I was planning on attending a class at the gym and but then I didn’t feel like getting off bed but instead, I had already 9 AM booked cycle class so I stayed in bed until 8 am sharp and then got off the bed and logged in work.

08:03 I said Good morning in teams, checked emails did some work and then got ready and went to attend 9 AM bike class but the trainer couldn’t make it so I sat there on the bike and another trainer was passing by and I asked him no class, he said, Trav couldn’t make it, but I have another class instead at 09:15 to 9:45 and I said okay, that’s fine thank you so much, I will be there and I went and did 4 x sets of 8 reps pull up on the bar for few min before the class began.

The Sun was already out. It was a warm and bright day with no dark clouds, the flights were not too noisy either. So I did 09:15 to 09:45 Body Tone Class got back home nice and easy by the Oval church, back to desk, 10 AM huddle went great.

Just gave an update saying, all my actions from yesterday are done, and I’m redacting on the bundle redactions, today is Friday, and I will finish it. so happy Friday guys. Started redacting the rest of the day. 2 actions came my way, I finished them smoothly and then stayed at the redactions. I was listening to Bloomberg radio and I was feeling good working.

Russia still invading Ukraine. UK politics is in chaos. Our PM resigned on Thursday.

I worked till 11:55 and then got ready again and went to attend Body Pump class 45 min. During the workout I found myself once, I was here and now and said, why am I doing this.

12:15 to 13:00 for 45 min.. by time I got home, I had a miss call from Mother, at home brother still needed to get the line at his new place but for now, they are using his hotspot from his mobile so he had to ring when he’s home for lunch.

13:07 I phoned her back, KSA was15:07 they did the Friday prayers and all fasting and now everyone sleeping incl her and I apologied for ringing wrong time and asked her to go back to sleep and I did some more work at my desk until 13:33 and then got up and jumped in shower and did Friday Gusl and offered 4 Rakaths Jumma Namaz and then 2 Rakakth Salath Haajath.

14:00 sharp sat back at the desk, rest of the afternoon work went redacting and smooth. One more action around 15:50 came to me which was swiftly dealt and 16:17 finished redactions, sent through and logged off work.

Went straight to bed from 16:30 until 17:00 and took a nap 30 min and then got up and I felt like there was still so much time and I was getting ready, chilling and slowly moving, still there was time and I left home around 17:26 and still got there nice and easy went to attend the third class of the day, Body pump. Ultimate challenge day including 6th day of the Fast.

I just wanted to experiment how I would feel.. I was feeling great I was feeling like walking in the clouds on my way back. was a good feeling energy. I saw 2 little dogs on my way back the guy was taking them into the Oval station saw at the crossing were cute

I got home there was 2nd miss call from mother, I said I was taking a nap. ( Nap lera tha ) and she thought I went to give clothes measurements in Hindi Naap means giving measurements.

18:10 got back home, tried to take a nap again but couldn’t sleep.. sat at the side of the bed and did Tazvi 100 times.. Allahu akabar Allaha hu Akabar Laa Illahahu Wallahuakabar Allaha hu Akabar Walillahail Humd x 100 times.. bro had sent in the morning. Then I

The did Wazu to offer Asar Namaz and mother rung and I was finally home to be able to answer.. and we spoke for a bit.. She told me about the process of Hajj because today is the Hajj day, going on now.. she told in 2 parts, first the 2nd half and then the first.. I can see her passion when she said about the Hajj and going to Umrah, they want me to go next year but hopefully, I’d be able to do it. and offerd Asar Namaz.. After that I took some clothes out of the wardrobe and tried them on, trying clothes for Friday at next Friday and this weekend is the only I have time to get ready.

21:05 got off to make some rice, I had beef from yesterday’s iftar and lentils just needed some rice for dinner and to break the fast. Ate watching tv until 22:00 when the alarm came on, I already finished eating and just sat..

Goals for this weekend, complete those courses first, then check the clothes properly and go and check the location on Sunday.

3 things I felt grateful for today

  • For being able to draft the day
  • Grateful for the energy that woke me up this morning.
  • Grateful for fresh air.

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times stronger, happier, richer tomorrow and then have a relaxing yet productive Saturday tomorrow and all negative patterns please get deleted now.. Goodnight, goodluck.. Tomorrow’s another day .. Ash

Ash Khaleem