🌈 642 – Sun 6 Mar 23:56 2022

🌈 642 – Sun 6 Mar 23:56 2022


Ukraine’s been fighting back with Russia day and night, and people who are in Ukraine wonder what must they feeling. I send my love to all of them I wish I could do anything more to help. I’m so sorry!

Putin that’s enough Stop! Stop and Stop NOW!

7:10 AM woke up early! I was feeling good. It slept late last night and I slept in my full clothes but I slept nice. No waking up in the middle, no alarms or noises.. slept well.

8:28 AM I rang, mother! spoke to mother until 9:30, Dad was sleeping. we spoke a lot of things. She said she had to pay twice for the food oil due to war. I said it’s the same here. She said but more oil, buy extra next time when you go to the supermarket. I kept quiet.

10:30 I went running.. I was very mild outside, ran from Oval station to Vauxhall bridge, then towards Lambeth bridge over, to Westminster bridge, there were a few people there, it was a bit crowded around Parlament, and Covid memorial. Few people were outside today.

Rest of the day I spent on my desk reading this and that. and my friend Aus popped around 6:30 pm sharp from Stockwell and we only spoke about war.

Poland’s sending some tanks to support Ukraine, USA is sending more itineraries but not troops not at least now.

I’m going bed now, tomorrow work and it’s Monday and I aim to make it to the gym in the morning.

3 things I felt grateful for today

  • while running this morning I felt really good and I felt very grateful at one point.
  • Grateful for parents and for the chocolate spread I ate earlier.
  • So grateful I can go to bed now feeling that I wrote something.

What would it take me and for you to wake up 10 x time stronger, happier, emotionally detached, confident and richer tomorrow and have a relaxing and relaxing yet productive day tomorrow and then have a good week and everything in the way of that please get deleted my mind and patterns..

Good night and good luck! Ash

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Ash Khaleem