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🌈 64 – The Oval

Sunday 24 March 2019.. 

O My God.. March is also going.. 

Woke up, felt grateful for feeling great.. sat up wrote the affirmations… the bright Sun outside, I felt so great this morning.. 

Sent a whatsapp msg to mum.. that my cold is gone.. 

Had my soaked nuts from last night, boiled 2 eggs, half boiled ate them, got ready and went to gym..  It was a beautiful day. I took that pic on my way to the gym.. undefinedundefined

This is Clayland Road, next to Oval Tube Station in London.. 

I got my favorite Salom bagel from Mimi’s Deli thee little Italian place in front of the gym, they are always so happy to see me.. 

Got home around 11:15, made my lunch, lot’s of Chicken, Rice and Greenbeans.. My mate Manual popped in to say hello… We sat in the balcony the weather was so great.. 

Then I took a nap for an hour, I think it around 3pm, then after I woke up, I got ready for tomorrow, ironed my shirt and the jeans then sat down on my desk, checked my Google Ads Campaigns, Leads, Conversions and then sat down to do the course of MindValley Academy.. Yesterday after attending the webinar I bought Christi’s Manifesting abundance course and I did the first lesson today of clearing energies.. I felt like I was so connected to Christi when she speaks, I speak like that too.. during the course there was a guided meditation where she guides you reach your higher self, I thought it was cool.. Christi’s fun.. 

I had a great workout all last week and today too so I decided to give a nice message to my body this evening and I have some nice lavender oil.. I had Virgin Radio on, Tom Walker and Arina Gande were playing and I enjoyed my massage then sat down to write. 

3 x Things that I am grateful for today 

– I am grateful for living so close to my gym. 

– I am grateful for having access to gym. 

– I am grateful for being able to go to gym.. 

3 x Happy moments of my day 

– I felt so happy and laughed when I left Mimi’s deli.. they make me laugh, I feel like they all go crazy every time they see me.. 

– I felt so happy earlier, when I did the guided meditation.. there was a light feeling.. 

– I felt happy earlier, when hungry bear got hungry while writing the blog and it made 2 x white bread toasts and bunch of olive oil butter and ate it. It felt so good.. 

3 x Things I need to do that will take me a step closer to my goal. 

– Ash, Create more followup series. 

– Ash, write a new script fo the video 

-Ash, complete Google Analytics training.. 

1 x Act of kindness

Congratulated my nephew for winning a Silver medal for Inspiring Young Minds… 


How was your weekend? Your Sunday? Are you back to work tomorrow?  Leave me a comment will you? 

*********************************************************************************************************************************  The only thing that I want to introduce you to, is the educational system below! My life has been transformed by this and I want you to have it too.. Together we can work towards our value to the world. , Ash πŸ™‚  My YouTube, My Website


Ash Khaleem

Published by
Ash Khaleem