🌈 503 – Mon 26 Jul 23:55 2021

There's nothing like a bit of a motivation to get you starting your week right, so I thought I'd share what I've been working on myself during this time. In the midst of the challenges we face, there is an opportunity for growth. Whether you were connecting with your loved ones, taking a much-needed break or continuing to work hard on your goals and dreams – you were caught up LIVING your life.




So much is out of our control right now – but your goals, passions, daily choices and actions are still up to you. Focus on what you can control and use this time to grow stronger and hone your focus so that when we arrive on the other side of this crisis, you will have made PROGRESS and you’ll be PREPARED for what’s next ahead of you.Β Β 

This week , let’s look for 1 opportunityΒ to learn and grow, allowing ourselves to lean usΒ into that direction.Β Remember, progress is power.

Let me know how it goes πŸ™‚

Have a great week ahead!


Ash Khaleem

Published by
Ash Khaleem