🌈 484 – Mon 28 Jun 23:49


There’s nothing like a bit of a motivation to get you starting your week right, so I thought I’d share what I’ve been working on myself during the isolation.Β β €


Fear is what holds us all back from truly unleashing our full potential – fear of not being good enough, of not being prepared, fear of not having the time, even fear of not deserving the result.Β Fear keeps us from taking action, and it costs us the lives that we deserve if we give into it.

But when you learn to use your fear to propel you toward what you do want – a life full of success, love, passion, meaning, and fulfillment – it becomes a tool that can help you unleash your most magnificent life.


Right now with Covid 19, we face a unique set of circumstances. Routines have been disrupted, the rhythm of daily life has been turned on it’s head, but achievers like you won’t let that stop you. Instead, you see this as an opportunity – your chance to spring into action.


Use this time to build – to prepare, perfect and plant the seeds for a prosperous future. While others are hitting pause on their business, you can hit play.

Whatever it is, see it clearly, take that step towards it, and knowing that you are walking towards your future.


With that in mind , live fearlessly this week!

Let me know how it goes πŸ™‚

Have a great week ahead!


Ash Khaleem

Published by
Ash Khaleem