I was caught up with what was going on, so my apologies for sending the delayed Wednesday’s broadcast today on Thursday. You will however receive the Friday’s usual broadcast email tomorrow afternoon.
The crazy thing about starting a business online is that it’s actually more accessible today than ever. If you’re someone who wants to be your own boss one day, let me explain how easy it can be by telling you five things that you probably think you need, but surprisingly you don’t.
1. A new idea
Aspiring entrepreneurs are always so obsessed with finding that one unique idea that will change the world. In reality, a new company is rarely unique. The core of a profitable business is not your idea, but the way you execute it. All you really need is to learn how to sell something that other people are willing to buy.
2. A lot of start-up money
When people think about starting their own business, they think of the enormous start-up costs. Well, nowadays, a business just requires you to have a website and a way to find prospects with your marketing. Sure, there are monthly fees to pay, but we’re talking about three-figure sums in the beginning. Not a millions.
3. Full-time employees
Wait, but if your company has no employees, how do you get the job done? One word – automation.
I work on my businesses for just a few hours a week (Yes, this book was my biggest inspiration to start online). The rest of the time, I spend learning and exploring new niches and opportunities. All the heavy lifting is done by automated systems like email autoresponders, websites, and smart algorithms.
4. A ton of experience
If you have no experience, how do you know what you’re doing? That’s a natural concern people have. Any entrepreneur starting a business for the first time will have to learn and improve over time, we are all beginners when we start something new. So experience is what’s going to ensure your success. And having no experience is definitely not an excuse to start either.
5. A brilliant mind
One of the beauties of entrepreneurship is that you can succeed without being the smartest, most talented person in the room. It’s not like trying to make it as a world-class chess player, where you have to have thought twenty moves ahead of your opponent. You don’t even have to be better than the competition in your industry to succeed. All you really need is to find a way to make money.
Meet Our Speakers
Marketing Head, Microsoft
Marketing Head, Microsoft
Marketing Head, Microsoft
Marketing Head, Microsoft
Marketing Head, Microsoft
Marketing Head, Microsoft
If you want to learn more about business models that really work in topical times, and how you can start making money online and learn Internet Marketing with the help of world-class mentorship and guidance, consider registering for this free webinar with my mentor Stuart today.
To a better life,
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