🌈 256 The Ritz (quarantine dairy)

Thur 23 Apr 23:36 2020


Woke up 8:15..was a little late, supposed to be login for work at 8.. but I am glad I am home and have to just log in from work. these are dark days but in disguise.. the quarantine.. work was smooth.. I couldn’t find a decent chicken in the supermarkets last weekend, after a long queue outside no hanging, there was no queue, i got there very early to buy chicken like about 8am or something. but the chicken was still gone.. I am really not sure why people are still emptying the shelves. anyway, I had to buy this huge massive, whole chicken instead of what I usually buy plain chicken breast. easier to cook..Β 

anyway, i had to buy this huge whole chicken and I didn’t know how to cook that, so I had to ask my mother to tell me.. so I went outside in my lunch break to this shop downstairs.. I couldn’t find a lot of things in the supermarket so I had to find few things in these little shops around.. I got what i needed but prices were high, I really didn’t wanna look at how much I paid today tbh, I just wanna buy food.. the only biscuits I eat are those salty Ritz biscuits and I was able to find them in this little shop downstairs always but today was unbelievable that these Ritz biscuits were out of stock bkz of quarantine.. what a shame.. or I dunno. wonder how.. Maybe those little factories are closed..

Anyway, so in my lunch break, I went downstairs to buy a bunch of things and also wanted to take some stories for Instagram, these people who are home can see some colors and flowers.. and I have a huge follower base I want to show them some flowers.. I took a bunch of stories and then there was this crazy lady who sat in the sun outside this shop was screaming, just talking to herself loudly, crazily.. this week I think this is the second crazy I saw in the street.. anyway, I got home and spoke to mother and chopped that huge chicken.. and cooked it curry style. in the end it tasted good. I loved it and tbh tomorrow is Ramadhan starting so I have to save it.Β 

Anyway, logged off work at 4:30 something..I did all the above things in my lunch break yeah.. anyway, from 5 – 6 pm, I listened to Tim Ferris’s podcast, then I felt like taking a nap before going for a jog.. but I forgot today was Thursday and there is like this little parade of police, fire and etc etc sexy guys and people.. doing this alarm thing and clapping and cheering the Health workers.. thank you to Health workers.. anyway, I am really grateful to them.. at was 8.. I heard the noise, I quickly ran outside to clap and to post stories.. I thought people would expect me to do that. my neighbors were happy and I wanted to post that on Instagram too.Β 

then around 8:30, went for a jog.. over Vauxhall bridge, then Lambeth bridge the over Westminster bridge, back home to Oval.. It was around 10.. had my dinner watching Friends..Β 

3 things I am grateful for todayΒ 

– for these remaining Ritz biscuits, I have..Β 

– for this comfortable bed I am sitting on

– and yes for all the health workers and all those people who have to go out and work..Β 

1 wish of my day, what would it take for me and for you to remain calm, cautious, and conscious from now on till ever, everywhere and every time forever until our very existence.

Ash KhaleemΒ 

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Ash Khaleem

Published by
Ash Khaleem