Thursday 19 December 2019ย 

Woke up 6:30.. I was grateful when I put my foot down.. I think I said, thank you.. my top notification was from my supplier in China sending me the updated contract order with delivery charges.ย 

first they gave a quote for supplying 50 bags, then they gave a quote for delivery. so order and delivery.

I made a payment for delivery today. They should be shipped any time..ย 

for 50 pcs I paid $710 USD and today I paid for shipping which is $430 USD. In the meantime, I am still waiting for the pictures of my bag from a freelancer in Srilanka that I outsourced some work, hopefully by this weekend..ย 

Anyway, got to gym, 7:20 I think, I did 3 x pull ups, 1 x arms pull ups, then I did.. 1 set of Sumo Deadlifts.. and a set of Shoulder press on machine.. had a nice shower. got to work around, 8:30 I think, I had so many gifts on my desk today. a little friend, it was her last day today, she left me a gift and a card, and my manager had left my Christmas gift on my desk and I think I already have a few cards on my desk.ย 

โ€œAppreciate the things you have will bring more to youโ€

Lunch with team in a pub Pilgrim in Vauxhall.. I still feel pubs are a bit funny.. I do like to old old old oneโ€™s, country side England, they are cool.. in Cornwall, itโ€™s like coast of England, I once went into this 16 century pub.., it was so cool..ย 

I got home from work around 4:30, my flatmate was going away for a few days so he found somebody to pay for his room, I reluctantly agreed I wanted to meet the guy today. so I met him at 4:30, he was cool, in between the places..ย 

then I took a 30 min nap listening to Dan Lok.. wakeup, I was kinda getting ready for swim, then I was thinking of going forย jog.. swim, jog, swim job.. then I just remembered, that i was gonna give this book my friend who was leaving today and I forgot to put it in my bag this morning.. this evening all my friends had already planned to go to this dessert place..ย 

Well, swim?, jog? or go meet my friends give her the book and spend time with friends.ย ย 

I just follow my heart and act on my impulse.. so I went there.. I wanted give her โ€œThe Powerโ€ by Rhonda Byrne. I hope she likes it and I hope she bkms an advocate spreading love and light..ย 

8:30 dinner, mad men..ย 

โ€ You can accomplish so many things in your day if you let go of the time and do only the things that you are sure that you creating from the place of love.โ€

3 x things I am grateful for todayย 

โ€“ my work

โ€“ all my friends at workย 

โ€“ and for all there is..ย 

1 x little wish of my day โ€“ What would it take for me and for you to completely let go of the time and do only things that brings us joy and be mindful of the time at all times for the rest of the eternity and everything in the way of that, I would like to uncreate it, delete it, de story it across all time dimensions space and reality.ย 

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See You Next Timeย 


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Ash Khaleem

Published by
Ash Khaleem