🌈 196 – 20 Min Only!

Woke up 5.30, wanted to sit up and meditate but I had gone to bed last night almost 2 o clock, I thought I should do with a bit more sleep so I turned Dan Loks 24 min meditation on and fell asleep for another half hour sharp. then got ready and went to gym, got to gym around 7, did 3 x sets of pull-ups and 1 arm and for the main workout I did an alternative dumbbell shoulder, so my workout was like this..Β 

Got to work around 8.20, work was great and the day went really quick. Got home around 4:30, too 20 min nap and got ready for the swim, got to swim at 6pm, I think the school term times changed now so there were so many kids in the pool and earlier I had my arm in between the doors so I had spot of blood on my finger, so I thought It’s not wise to get into the water and also these many kids in the pool, I better go jog., so I went back home, changed the clothed to jogging clothes and went running, ran across Vauxhall bridge over towards Lambeth bridge then over to Westminster bridge back to Vauxhall bridge. I donno how many miles that is but it’s like running around 3 huge bridges in London so it must be long.. I love this jog.Β 

I got back home, then I posted a pic on Instagram, the filters made it look funny I realized it after postings so I didn’t change back again. My goal is to spend only 20 mins on Instagram each day not more than that..Β 

Β The rest of the time I spend on Google Ads App or aiming to spend more on The Secret App or Analytics Aap.Β 

Last night I created a bunch of new campaigns in google ads using keywords. I separated all the keywords that ever gave me conversions and started creating individual video campaigns using exact match keywords been making my ads work really cost-effective and have been a lot more conversations coming in.Β Β 

3 x things that I am grateful for todayΒ 

– Grateful for all the food I ate

– Grateful for all the energy I had to do so many thingsΒ 

– Grateful for my parents.Β 

1 x little wish of my dayΒ 

– What would it take me and for you to become experts in Digitial Marketing and everything in the way of that I would like to uncreate it, delete it de story it across all time dimensions space and reality.Β 

Ash KhaleemΒ 


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Ash Khaleem

Published by
Ash Khaleem